1. What are the main characteristics of E-Land’s knowledge management? As you can see from Fig.1)KM model, by constructing the cycle which integrates performance management, knowledge management and learning organizations, BSC process is used as the Knowledge Management tool. This structure creatively applies structural characteristics of BSC to Knowledge Management and is expected to systematically raise knowledge workers’ productivity. KM formed the cornerstone of E-Land Group’s operational excellence strategy. Following four reasons are ① Capturing and sharing best practices: The Chief Knowledge Officer’s team created an integrated KM/performance management structure. Key components included tools and processes for capturing and As you can see from Fig.2) E-Land’s KM structure, E-Land applies BSC and KAM in planning and evaluation process and at feedback level, it makes use of KMS to store and share knowledge. [How is KM integrated with BSC at E-Land?] Balanced Scorecard How is KM integrated with BSC at E-Land? Four perspectives Explanation Strategic goal Example of ROEM SBU(2000) The Learning & Growth Perspective This perspective includes employee training and corporate cultural attitudes related to both individual and corporate self-improvement. In a knowledge-worker organization, people - the only repository of knowledge - are the main resource Learning and growth constitute the essential foundation for success of any knowledge-worker organization. Kaplan and Norton emphasize that 'learning' is more than 'training'; It also includes technological tools; what the Baldrige criteria call "high performance work systems." Employee’s satisfaction and growth ① Provide easy access to information ② Acquire core knowledge and share information ③ Develop pool of management candidates ④ Issue rewards and incentives for employee expertise A. Continuous learning activity ① Activate community • 2 EC/LC team at each div., • KMS/LUTI ② Sharing knowledge • Implement BSC • Monthly reward system • Chance of all employees’ overseas training The Business Process