Informative Speech on the Surf Rider Foundation Essay

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Pages: 4

informative speech by kayla venable, mcneese state university
1. Attention Getter: With the economy the way it is now and all that’s happening with the oil spill each and every one of us needs to put effort into saving the environment and our wildlife. The blame for global warming, landfills, and pollution rests in our hands. 2. Listener Relevance Link: What can you do as individuals to help improve our ecosystem? You can become a volunteer at The Surfrider Foundation. 3. Speaker Credibility Link: I’ve taken it upon myself to join the The Surfrider Foundation and put

The foundation has also joined forces with Give A Damn task force groups to investigate chronic water quality issues. B. Beach Preservation: 1. Making sure all beaches and important ecosystems are clean and healthy. 2. Surfrider has created Rise Above Plastics which aims to reduce the impact of plastic pollution. (Visual Aid) 3. The foundation also promotes the right of free and open access to all the worlds beaches.
Transition Statement: The Surfrider Foundation puts a lot of effort in to making all their goals realities 3. Third Main Point: The Foundation has had countless accomplishments but we will only take a look at a few of their most recent ones. A. Group Harbor County adopts a critical area ordinance in June 2010. 1. Voted unanimously to establish building regulations for shorelines, wetlands, and wildlife habitat conservation. 2. Ordinance also requires buffers that range from 60-300ft. in order to protect the ecosystem. B. In May of 2010 The Water Board acted to save the coast