1. This is an individual assignment, due as shown on the syllabus. After completing the assignment you are to submit the results in Moodle.
2. The assignment contains two parts: The first are the instructions (this document labeled Assignment 3 Instructions). The second is the answer template you are required to use and is labeled Assignment 3 Answer Template. The answer template contains both the problem statement and the solution template. Do not send me other files such as a Visio or PDF file. All your diagrams and tables are to be presented in this assignment template (a PowerPoint file) – this constitutes your assignment.
3. The assignment is a business process reengineering (BPR) assignment. Everyone has the same problem – to reengineer a supply order process.
4. This assignment covers the central themes of the course and includes the artifacts associated with BPR. This assignment draws on the lectures to date, but particularly on Week 4 and Week 6 lectures, and the textbook.
5. Assumptions: you are to assume that this process (a) is located in a large organization, (b) the “supplies” refer to office supplies (as opposed to, say, laboratory or manufacturing supplies), and (c) the process is “routine” work – see Week 3 lecture.
6. The structure of the answer template is a follows:
6a. Cover sheet where you enter your name and pledge – slide 1
6b. Instructions – slide 2
6c. Current process information (i.e., problem statement) – slides 3 – 7. You are to read and analyze the current process (known in the text as the “IS” process). This includes all the issues and problems associated with the current supply order process.
6d. Target process design – slides 8 – 25. After analyzing the IS supply order process (6c above), you are to design the new process, known in the text as the SHOULD process. Your design is to be presented on the remaining slides (slides 8 – 25). Since BPR is very complicated, we lead you through the necessary steps. The title of each slide states the design requirement (i.e., an artifact) that you are to create in the body of the slide. For example, on slide 18 you are to create a “Relationship Map”, while on slide 20 you are to create a “Functional Goal Summary” table.
7. Certain design requirements appear on only one slide while others appear on two slides. You may insert or delete additional slides, as required. For example, the SHOULD process narrative appear on slides 8 and 9: slide 8 is the functional specifications while slide 9 is the behavior narrative. As another example, the Key Principles of Reengineering appears on slide 11 – you will almost certainly need to insert additional slides to satisfy this requirement.
8. Every design requirement (artifact): i.e., narrative, bullet list, diagram, map, process flow, table, etc. is found in the text or lectures – there are no trick questions. If you keep up with the readings and lectures you should be able to do a good job.
Detailed Requirements – Slide by Slide:
1. Slide 1 – Cover sheet – enter your name and pledge against cheating.
2. Slide 2 – Instructions – we are going over this in more detail now
Slides 3 – 7 contain a description of the IS supply order process (i.e., the current process)
3. Slide 3 – a narrative listing several of the major steps in the IS process.
4. Slide 4 – a list of problems that follows from the narrative on slide 3.
5. Slide 5 – a diagram showing the constituents of the IS process. Note that the constituents are separated into 4 categories: structure, human, information, and tool.
6. Slide 6 – the IS relationship map. Also listed are the “disconnects” as described in the textbook, categorized into illogical, missing, and extraneous steps.
7. Slide 7 – the IS process map (i.e., the current flow of work). Also listed are the process “red flags”.