Essay on Income tax chapter 15

Submitted By schmittyj4256
Words: 410
Pages: 2

Income Tax Chapter 15

Tom's Salary

Alice's Revenue

Gross Income

Less: Deductions for AGI

Business expenses (not including home office)

Home office*

Self-employment tax**
Adjusted gross income

Less: Deductions from AGI

Itemized deductions***

Personal & dependency exemptions
Taxable Income


Taxes due on $100,200

Plus: Self-employment tax**


Less: Prepayment and credits

Income tax withheld

Estimated tax payments
Net tax payable (or refund due)


*Home office deductions: 1/10 of total costs



Property tax



Plus cost recovery (400,000 x 1/10 x 3.636 %)

**Net earnings from self-employment

multiply 91,100 x 92.35%

multiply 84,131 x 15.3% (this is the self-employment tax)

Deduction for AGI = 12872 x .5

*** itemized deductions excluding the house

plus itemized deduction including the house

Property taxes =5200 x 9/10

Total itemized deductions

Part 2:
November 30th 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Honeycutt
101 Glass Rd
Delton, MI 49046

Dear Mr. Mrs. Honeycutt,

You’ve asked my advice on the two different proposals presented to you in exchange for the farmland inherited from Tom’s father, believing either transaction to be a like-kind exchange. Unfortunately, under Section 1031, both properties must be held for use in a trade or business or for investment. Property that is used mainly for personal use does not qualify. Because you are going