Painting between Asters and Fruit on a Table by Antin Latour and Still Life Apples and Pitcher by Camille Pissarro are similar, but also different. These two painters are from Impressionism movements, and that movement had a major impact in France during the late nineteenth century. Impressionism painting feels calm and quiet, it looks impressionistic but it also means not finished. Characteristics of their painting include noticeable brush strokes that are not blended together, applying the paint in a thick, and mixing the colors right on the canvas. In both paintings, seems like Latour and Pissarro took an optical approach to painting and plac e the hues right next to each other on the canvas.
Antin Latour and Camille Pissarro painted contemporary landscapes or still life, in both paintings containing object. They also paid attention to the fleeting effect of light, mood, and textures. They break that the realists from the illusionist tradition by emphasizing the paint on the surface of the canvas, flattening the sense of perspective through a lack of tonal modeling, and using daring cropped perspectives too. Because they also abandoned the conventional idea that the shadow of an object was made up from its color with some brown or black added. In two paintings, impressionism showed as the effects of color and light in background. They sought to capture the atmosphere of a particular time of day or effects of different weather conditions.
In the painting of Antin