www.apprenticeships.org.uk/certificates www.apprenticeships.org.uk/certificates Apprentice Declaration & Authorisation Form
The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 requires that apprentices must apply for their Apprenticeship completion certificate. Where the application is facilitated by a training provider, employer or parent/guardian, there must be evidence that this was done at the request of the apprentice.
In order to provide the Alliance of Sector Skills Councils (the Certifying Authority) with this evidence, the declarations below must be signed by both the apprentice and the person facilitating the application, before the form is uploaded to the Apprenticeship Certificates England system.
The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 requires that apprentices must apply for their Apprenticeship completion certificate. Where the application is facilitated by a training provider, employer or parent/guardian, there must be evidence that this was done at the request of the apprentice.
In order to provide the Alliance of Sector Skills Councils (the Certifying Authority) with this evidence, the declarations below must be signed by both the apprentice and the person facilitating the application, before the form is uploaded to the Apprenticeship Certificates England system.
I declare that during my Apprenticeship:
* Either, where applicable, an Apprenticeship Agreement between me and my employer was in place during my Apprenticeship, or at least whilst I completed my competency based qualification and, where required, this agreement set out my planned skill, trade or occupation, under a qualifying Apprenticeship Framework.
Or that statutory Alternative Completion Conditions applied to my Apprenticeship.
* Where required by my framework, I have undertaken appropriate activities relating to my employment and have successfully demonstrated and evidenced a good knowledge and understanding of my Employee Rights and Responsibilities (ERR) and that this has been appropriately verified OR that I have achieved a recognised qualification that meets the 9 agreed national ERR requirements and have the appropriate certificate.
* Where required by my framework, I have successfully demonstrated and can evidence that I have achieved all of the outcomes required by the 6 Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) and that this has been appropriately verified OR that I have achieved a recognised qualification that meets the 6 PLTS requirements and have the appropriate certificate.
* Where required by my framework, I have received the required minimum levels of Guided Learning Hours (GLH), as set out in my Apprenticeship framework and Learning Agreement and that I have undertaken training both in the workplace, through practical experience of doing the job, and also away from the immediate pressures of my normal job routine.
I declare that during my Apprenticeship:
* Either, where applicable, an Apprenticeship Agreement between me and my employer was in place during my Apprenticeship, or at least whilst I completed my competency based qualification and, where required, this agreement set out my planned skill, trade or occupation, under a qualifying Apprenticeship Framework.
Or that statutory Alternative Completion Conditions applied to my Apprenticeship.
* Where required by my framework, I have undertaken appropriate activities relating to my employment and have successfully demonstrated and evidenced a good knowledge and understanding of my Employee Rights and Responsibilities (ERR) and that this has been appropriately verified OR that I have achieved a recognised qualification that meets the 9 agreed national ERR requirements and have the appropriate certificate.
* Where required by my framework, I have successfully demonstrated and can