Impact Of Mooc On Education

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Pages: 5

Learning through Massive, open and online courses (MOOCs) shall enable, in all Indians who want to learn, earn, teach or innovate, the capability to realize their own true potential and transform our country. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are the latest buzz word .The unique feature of MOOC is providing education to public, at minimum level of cost at world scale and to deliver an attestation of completion to those who fulfill their study. This makes it attractive especially for the developing countries. The major players like Cousera, Udacity and Edx witness high number of enrolments from India. A course is designed for few weeks and imparted on web. Assignments are given to be solved using the collaborative learning. The students take
Impact of MOOC on education system of India:
 Enhance the quality of life:- MOOC has the potential to widen access to life-long learning, address key gaps in skill development, and ultimately enhance the quality of life for millions of Indians.
 Cultivating the Indian “Ivy League:- MOOC platforms also offer Indian higher education institutions opportunities for fostering helpful academic exchanges and learning best practices from other universities, pushing India closer towards its goals of cultivating its own “Ivy League”.
 Breathing Life Into Outdated Curriculums:- The system’s traditional focus on rote academics compounded with a lack of investment on vocational training, outdated materials and a lack of hands-on practice has created a large skills gap. Fortunately, MOOCs presents itself as a remedy for these situations. Many popular MOOC offerings are closely tied to industries in demand, such as IT, machine learning, mobile development, and self-driving cars. MOOCs are also evolving from lecture-based learning to including more group discussions, mentorship opportunities, and hands-on projects as part of their curriculums and thus, breathing new life into a stagnant industry in

They have the potential to help transform the system and meet the goals of equity, excellence and employability. There is a lot of scope in India to introduce MOOCs to make more sustainable and financially viable education policy. The reputed universities in India should come forward to start MOOCs in coming years to solve 100% literacy program and also to spread higher education information (HEI). The massive popularization of MOOCs in the next 5 years will definitely create a large pool of skilled and educated youth fit for the job market. In this context of implementation, India holds the potential of becoming the most powerful knowledge economy of Asia with quality education massively affecting the GDP of the