Essay Igneous Rock and Wazowski

Submitted By lilbabydielon
Words: 409
Pages: 2

Once upon a time there was a volcano named Sully. One day Sully got really frustrated and began to erupt. Sully sent lava and smoke all throughout the land. When some of the lava cooled over time however an extrusive igneous rock named Wazowski was formed. Wazowski had somewhat small crystals and didn't even have to worry about being filled with gases. Wazowski was pretty content with his rocky yet suttle life. Wazowski wandered the land, rolling around as best he could, searching for some greater purpose for a little old igneous rock like him. One evening Wazowski began to be blown by a forceful wind and didn't know what to do. The fierce wind blew him straight into an icy river where he became trapped by the rushing currents. He was trapped there for some time and began to slowly break away into smaller and smaller pieces due to the erosion of the rushing water. Pieces of Wazowski were scattered far and wide and he thought for sure this would be the end of him. However he would quickly realize that he had been gathered together with other types of sediments and was overjoyed to see he had simply become a sedimentary rock. Wazowski was a bit smaller than his previous igneous form and had a more oblong shape to him than before however he enjoyed this new form and once again began searching for some greater purpose of being. Wazowski was continuing his journey and still searching for his inner self. He was beginning to believe that it was never going to actually happen. One morning however,