The Basics:
Identify your internet browser(s) and the version you are using. Is it up to date?
I am using Explorer version 10 on Windows and yes it is up-to-date because it should be version 8.0 or above.
Do you have Microsoft Office software? If not, what is your plan for acquiring it?
Yes I have the Microsoft Office software.
Do you have Adobe Creative Suite? If so, what version? If not, what is your plan for acquiring it?
Yes I have Adobe Creative Suite. It is version 6.
Program Specifics:
Identify your program along with its computer hardware and software requirements.
The program I am in is the Associate of Science in Photography.
Software Requirements:
Adobe Flash Player (Version 10.0 or higher) – I have 11.8 version
Adobe CS6 Suite – bought it through the school
Microsoft Office Professional - (Version 2010 or higher) 2013
Norton Antivirus (Version 10.2 or higher)
Adobe Lightroom version 4
Apple Quicktime (Version 7 or higher)
Skype Free
Techsmith Jing
Windows Media Player (Version 12 or higher)
Required Hardware
Photo Printer – capable of handling 5.5 x 11 Photo Paper, and minimum of 4+ separate ink cartridges (Black, Yellow, Cyan, Magenta) to ensure sufficient range of color representation in printing
Flatbed Scanner (for G150PH only)
Color Management System (Xrite ColorMunki Photo)
Does your computer meet the necessary hardware requirements (i.e., RAM and hard drive space)? If not, what is your plan for updating it?
Yes it meets the necessary hardware requirements and there is plenty of hard drive and RAM space.
Do you have the required program-specific software? If not, what is your plan for acquiring it?
I do not have Norton Antivirus, blinkbid, snagit or techsmith jing. The Norton I had expired and I need to renew it, I am currently learning about blinkbid, snagit, and techsmith jing and have noticed that it needs to be purchased so as soon as I can I will purchase these applications.