Table of Contents Table of Contents i Executive Summary 1 Question 1 2 Introduction 2 Google Glass 3 Ongoing Corporate Planning 3 Ongoing Market Planning 4 Ongoing Technology Management 5 Opportunity Analysis/Serendipity 5 Ansoff Matrix 6 Market Penetration 7 Market Development 7 Product Development 8 Diversification 8 Multidimensional Concept of Google Glass 9 Brand Name 9 Quality Specifications 9 Price 9 Packaging 9 Features 10 Technology 10 Level of Service 10 Question 2 11 Dilemma of Google in Innovation Management 11 Uncertainty Management 12 Quadrant 1 12 Quadrant 2 12 Quadrant 3 13 Quadrant 4 13 Organization Characteristic 14 Conclusion 15 References a
Executive Summary In this assignment, it will be separated into 2 parts. First Otherwise, the product might falls into failure as the customers is not ready to accept such creativity.
Ongoing Market Planning Ongoing marketing planning could use prevents company reputation downfall and secure company’s future. (Archer, 2015) Therefore, Google should greatly utilize this planning to ensure Google Glass could reach to target market’s customers’ expectation. Although Google Glass is available with few choices of color, but it would have failed in fashion due to poorly designed hardware. (Strauss, 2013) This could be really important as the Glass is a wearable device and the customers would be wearing it on the street. Some people even comment it makes people looks “dorky” or “like a huge cyborg”. (Strauss, 2013) (Cristo, 2015) Other than that, the case has mentioned that there are rumors about Apple, Microsoft and more are getting into working on creating similar devices. This could be a real threat to Google Glass because the Glass is still haven’t really ready to being available in the market and it basically still under development. The device might be examined in deep by the competitors and the market could be grabbed by the competitors if they are able to achieve the market earlier. Although Google has announced the product years ago and it still under development with prototype that previously available in the market, Google might have failed in market