Hypothesis Identification Article Analysis
University of Phoenix
Week One
Research and Evaluation II- RES/342
Instructor – Elie Azar
May 18, 2009
Hypothesis Identification Article Analysis The hypothesis of marketing beauty and models, which is a distinct personality and lifestyle associated with an individual’s mental state, is one of the theories researched by cf. Furnham, (1988). Beauty is measured to be of physical appearance and not defined of what individuals are constructed from within. The research reviews the hypothesis of highly attractive models who have become actresses in their own right. For example, Iman, Brooke Sheilds, and Christie Brinkley were researched on how the public view these individuals as a marketing product for their different qualities, personality, and physical features. These models have been identified by their endorsements as well as modeling careers to communicate the products presented with an image that symbolizies and express the marketing pitch for a diverse brand of products. The article points out that there is more to beauty than just judging the attractiveness of a model. In addition, there is specifically a perceiving way to multiple a curtain type of good looks for advertisement in the marketing world. By describing the specific make up of the beauty match-up hypothesis research that would include a study of fashion and beauty editors. Because these individuals are the gatekeepers who create the direct or indirect messages being sent to the public, which affects how the public thinks about beauty. There still is a more serious argument on whether beauty of psychological multiplicity, and perceive nature is to be considered. Because beauty have been considered to some individuals as cute, elegant, and even sexy; that implicates different types of personalities and lifestyles. Research was also conducted by Solomon, (1989) regarding cultural beauty types, which is a diverse culture popular to the media due to the success of campaigns. The creative research focused on shaping the products image while building on consumer acceptance of various cultures. “Corroboration that perceivers make fine-grained distinctions among beauty types, rather than merely rendering global judgments of attractiveness/unattractiveness, lays the framework for more empirical attention to how perceptions of advertising are affected by such subtle yet important distinctions.” (Journal of Advertising, pg 23).
“An implicit theory of beauty is a hypothetical construct comprising: 1) beliefs about various types of good looks, including what physical