Germs easily transfer from person to person therefore resulting in illness and sickness absence which costs employers and the economy a lot of money. Most commonly people fail to wash their hands prior and after eating food, visiting people in hospital, sneezing, using the bathroom and handling rubbish for example. Children and elderly people are at most risk from infections and viruses due to their weak immune systems. Therefore, serious illness or death can happen. The simplest way of preventing such contagiousness is to simply do regular hand washing to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. It is very vital for children to be made aware of why washing hands is appropriate so they it can become a lifelong habit. Hand washing charts is mandatory and will be found in any health clinic or care environment either in the form of written or visual charts. The written chart normally provides details of how to do such techniques properly by using bullet points in order of how to do it. They can also provide when, before and after you should do it. Whereas a visual chart will show pictures and by using the correct methods. Although both are very useful, in my opinion the visual chart is much clear to use. People working within the profession will be able to and with confidence maintain safe hygiene standards and re-enact what is presented on the chart. Each picture is a step by step guide and by following them the carer or health professional should feel that what they are doing is correct. It is even better when they have a description to guide people so they can remember how to maintain clean health standards. They should be put in bathrooms of all health environments.
Hygiene is very vital in maintaining safety standards in the health and care profession. The lack of hygiene causes serious consequences to the health of people, their employers and the economy. Poor hand hygiene causes outbreaks of the Common Cold, Flu, Salmonella, MRSA, Sickness and
1.1 Explain why personal hygiene is important. Maintaining personal hygiene is necessary for many reasons; these can be personal, social, for health reasons, psychological or simply as a way of life. Essentially keeping a good standard of hygiene helps to prevent the development and spread of infections, illnesses and bad odours. Personal Reasons Many people, women in particular, are very conscious of their hygiene needs and practices. This can be a result of being taught of the importance from…
Principles of supporting an individual to maintain personal hygiene. Personal hygiene is important to keep the client healthy, and reduce the risk of infection. Lack of personal hygiene would cause a risk of infection to the client. The client would have more self-esteem if they have had a full wash in the mornings, are more likely to feel better in themselves and be more willing to see visitors. If they have not had their personal hygiene needs met they may not want to see anybody and this would…
INSTRUCTIONS Talk to the adults about basic elements of hygiene that help prevent germ transmission, such as washing the hands after using the bathroom and covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing or coughing. Remind them that good basis hygiene will help keep them from getting sick and help keep others from getting sick as well. Discuss the importance of washing the body and hair in order to look and feel clean and professional. In addition, talk about how they feel when others are unclean…
1.1 Personal Hygiene is important as it is this that affects how you feel, and can affect how others feel about you. Someone with poor personal hygiene might feel down and depressed as they feel like they are worthless and do not deserve anyone’s time or care. 1.2 Personal hygiene can affect your health, if your are not clean then you are more vulnerable to infection and disease as more bacteria is on your body and can get in cuts, grazes and open wounds. Your appearance will deteriorate; with poor…
“Herzberg (1968) argues that pay is a “hygiene factor”. Critically evaluate his position drawing on your understanding of what motivates individuals and groups.” This assignment will look at the origin of Herzberg’s theory, those who agree with Herzberg’s two-factor theory and those that disagree with his two-factor theory. The assignment will look into what motivation means to individuals, and how motivation creates job satisfaction. It will then be possible to evaluate the relevance of Herzberg’s…
to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 440,000 people die per year from smoking, or smoke related reasons. Why would anyone willingly start smoking when they know it is very bad for his or her health? Yet, approximately 44 million people smoke in the United States. Each day nearly 4,000 teenagers try a cigarette, and 1,000 of them become new smokers. Smoking causes many types of health problems, and it can also affect personal hygiene. Smoking can harm nearly every organ in the body. It…
motivation to work and do a good job, according to Maslow’s theory, is generated by the level of need that an employee has risen to. Another popular theory, developed by Frederick Herzberg, is the Two- factor. The Two-factor theory (or the Motivator-Hygiene Theory which it is sometimes called)) suggests that workers are motivated by only two types of motivators. The first which bears the name motivators, leads to job satisfaction. Getting promoted or advanced in the workplace, being recognized and rewarded…
Collective reasonability Food hygiene: they are now strategies put in place to make sure that the food hygiene of places within the public are up to certain standards before being allowed to serve food by being giving a food hygiene certificate this is done by giving cafes/restaurant inspections, the people on the inspections check the cleanliness of the kitchen, the standards of the food and even the hygiene of the staff and get graded, if they fail they can get a warning, a fine but depending…
risk was identified during our third tutorial with our tutor John’ O Neil as he very fairly pointed out that if we don’t prepare the food under the supervision of a person who has gone through a food hygiene training and owns a food hygiene certificate. As the group members are not aware of the hygiene protocols we might not be able to prepare the food in a good condition. Customers who eat our food might get food poisoning or might have other allergic reactions; this will be our biggest risk. Risk…
Herzberg is the person responsible for the birth of the two-dimensional paradigm of factors affecting people’s attitudes about work. This is sometimes called the two-factor theory. The factors involved are: hygiene factors and motivators. The presence of hygiene factors or dissatisfiers relate to the…