Essay on HRT 601 Article Critique 3 The Role Of Information And Incongruency In Destination Print Advertising
Submitted By xxlanah
Words: 429
Pages: 2
Article Crique #3
Joanne Lam, Jing Zhu, Kavita Kumar, Lana Hantuli, Thao Nguyen (Group 2)
Dr. Singh
HRT 601: Research Methods
April 30, 2015
“The Role of Information and Incongruency in Destination Print Advertising” by Dr. Neha Singh and Clark Hu
The authors did a good job stating the importance and relevance of pictures in advertising
Good statement of purpose and objective in the article (Singh & Hu, 2011, p. 434)
Abstract clearly states the relevance of the topic being discussed and how incongruency is involved in the creative development of ads.
Good presentation of visual diagrams to demonstrate examples
Creative methodology of survey questions and data collection
Proper procedures of letter of consent was provided to participants in the questionnaire
Well-organized structure and labeling of ideas and sections
The logical flow of the argument from paragraph to paragraph is particularly good
The paper is very thorough and displays in-depth explanation of major points
The conclusion is convincing, it clearly supports the thesis
Citations show that the author went through extensive research for this topic
Clearly stated what the objectives were for the article
Very thorough article and in depth analysis
Good job stating the advantages of incongruent ads (induces curiosity and interest in the ads)
Great job listing the limitations of the study
Stating the significance and the helpfulness of this study for DMO’s and managers
The conclusion properly restated the results and depicting how the literature explained what the relevancy and expectancy on consumer behavior is
It would have been nice to have a better