Human Resource Management Overview
Shanikwa Finley
May 11, 2015
Timothy Turcotte
Human Resource Management Overview According to the textbook, Human Resource Management is the study of management that focuses on how to attract, hire, train, motivate, and maintain employees. In order for companies to succeed and meet their objectives a Human Resource Department is essential. Human Resources have excelled over the years to benefit organizations overall. When it comes to Human Resources it is important to know what the job entails and what roles and functions each person is accountable for within an organization. Human resource managers must have an understanding of each employee’s skills, so that they can place them in the appropriate position that best accommodates both the employee and employer.
What is the primary function of human resource management?
The primary function of an HR manager is to manage the organizations employee’s because they are most valuable to the company. In the business world today, Human Resource Managers have a number of responsibilities and requirements to fulfill. These managers are to ensure the employees well-being as well as protecting the company. Other functions of HR include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2007). Planning is when a company establishes their goals and implements strategies to accomplish them. Organizing is the time used to decide what actions need to be taken. Leading is used to ensure the right people are being hired and that they are maintaining a high performance level. Controlling is the time a company uses to monitor everything within the company to ensure that their goals are being met.
Their responsibilities include but are not limited to staffing/recruiting, employee training, motivating and maintaining employees. Although HRM’s are responsible for those four functions they are also in charge of strategic and functional responsibilities, employee relations, compensation and benefits, training and development, and recruitment/selection.
Staffing involves planning, recruiting, and selecting qualified candidates. Training and development involves orientation, training, employee development, and also career development. Motivation involves job designing, performance appraisals, rewards/compensation, and benefits. Maintaining employees involves the safety and health of employee’s, communication, and employee relations.
They are also responsible for monitoring and maintaining tax laws along with state regulations. There was several privacy laws put into place including HIPPA, which HRM’s have to ensure the company is in compliance with. HIPAA is the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. The