Preparation of this report cost the Department of Defense a total of approximately $169,010 for the 2011 Fiscal Year. Generated on 20110901 RefID: F-2ACBC83 at
Section One: Introduction....................................................................................1 Section Two: SMP Business Goals & Initiatives ................................................ 3 Section Three: Assessing Performance in Meeting the Goals of the Department of Defense........................................................................................................... 14 Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 15 Appendix One: Statutory Requirement for the SMP ......................................... 16 Appendix Two: Business Goals, Initiatives and Measures................................ 17 Appendix Three: Acronyms .............................................................................. 39
Section One: Introduction
The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) is the strategic plan for the Department of Defense. It sets out the priority objectives for the Department and the major actions to be taken to accomplish these objectives. It also highlights a number of business and management improvements that are intended to enable greater effectiveness. In order to help defend and advance our national interests, the Department of Defense balances resources and risk among five Strategic Goals:
1. Prevail in Today’s Wars
“We must ensure the success of our forces in the field—in Afghanistan, Iraq, and around the world. Along with our allies and partners, we have renewed efforts to help the governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan disrupt, dismantle, and defeat Al Qaeda and eliminate its safe havens within both nations…as the responsible drawdown of the U.S. military presence proceeds, U.S. forces will continue to play important roles advising, training, and…work[ing] with partners and allies to locate and dismantle terrorist networks.” (QDR 2010)
2. Prevent & Deter Conflict
“Preventing the rise of threats to U.S. interests requires the integrated use of diplomacy, development, and defense, along with intelligence, law enforcement, and economic tools of statecraft to help build the capacity of partners to maintain and promote stability. Such an approach also requires working closely with our allies and partners to leverage existing alliances and create conditions to advance common interests.” (QDR 2010)
3. Prepare to Defeat Adversaries & Succeed in a Wide Range of Contingencies
“If deterrence fails and adversaries challenge our interests with the threat or use of force, the United States must be prepared to respond in support of U.S. national interests. Not all contingencies will require the involvement of U.S. military forces, but the Defense Department must be prepared to provide the President with options across a wide range of contingencies...” (QDR 2010)
4. Preserve & Enhance the All-Volunteer Force
“Given the continuing need for substantial and sustained deployments in conflict zones, the Department must do all it can to take care of our people - physically and psychologically. To reflect the urgency that the Department’s leadership places on these issues, the QDR has striven to include them as core components of our policy, planning, and programming considerations.” (QDR 2010) “Our policies, programs, and oversight activities will support this ultimate goal. “Care for Our People” embodies those policies and programs that promote well-being where our Service members, their families, and civilian personnel can thrive in their careers, social and community engagements, finances, and health.” (USD P&R Strategic Plan FY12-16) 1
5. Reform the business and support functions of the Defense enterprise
“A centerpiece of this defense