How to upgrade firmware for Indoor PT camera
Suitable for MJPG camera: FI8910W, FI8910E, FI8916W, FI8918W, FI8918E.
After upgrading, please clear the cache of browser firstly, then open the browser again to log-in the camera;
Please check the model number and current firmware version before upgrading. You can find your model number on the bottom sticker and your firmware version under Device
Status menu.
The firmware 11.22.2.xx cannot upgrade to this version.
The firmware 11.37.2.xx can upgrade to this version.
Updating with wrong firmware could severely damage and/or break your camera, please make sure the firmware is correct and update at your own risk.
Note: After upgrading to this version, it cannot downgrade to previous versions.
Preparation for upgrading:
1) Please restart your camera before the upgrading;
2) Plug in the Ethernet cable to upgrade firmware, not via wireless;
3) Upgrade the system firmware firstly and web UI secondly;
4) Keep power on during the upgrading.
Method 1: Update firmware on Web UI.
Step 1: Log into camera as administrator, go to Device Management Upgrade Device
Step 2: Update System firmware firstly.
Click Browse select system firmware lr_cmos_11_37_2_59.bin click Open click
Submit. After camera restarting itself, the system firmware is loaded successfully.
Note: Do not shut down the power of the camera before IP Camera Tool search the IP again!
Step 3: Update Web UI firmware secondly.
Click Browse select Web UI firmware click Open click Submit.
After camera restarting itself, the Web UI is loaded successfully.
Note: Do not shut down the power of the camera before IP Camera Tool search the IP again!