English 111-4249
09 April 2013
Goodbye Curls Hair relaxer, otherwise known as hair straightener, is used on hair that is naturally curly or wavy in order to attain to attain a straighter, sleeker look. Caution should be used when relaxing hair, because of the chemicals that are used. The process which involves applying a chemical relaxer to extremely curly hair can be a challenge, however when applied using step by step directions, it is not impossible. Applying a chemical relaxer to extremely curly hair involves examining the hair, gathering supplies, beginning process of hair straightening and finally rinsing and neutralizing the hair. Then you may style hair as desired. Follow the steps below to learn how to apply a hair relaxer. When beginning the relaxer process the first step is to examine the hair. Examining the hair requires you to look at texture and the condition the hair is in. The texture of hair determines strength of the hair relaxer to use. For instance, if you have coarse hair you would use a “resistance” strength hair relaxer and if you have fined hair you would use a mild- normal hair relaxer. Secondly to examine the hair, check the condition of the hair and scalp. Look to see if the client has open sores, color treated hair, damage or broken hair; if any of the signs appear on the client hair please do not proceed with the chemical process. Doing this may result to more damage. After and scalp have been examine, start gathering your supplies for chemical relaxer. First gather protective supplies gloves, base cream, towels and cape. Gloves protect hands from harsh relaxer chemicals. Relaxer chemicals can irritate your hands and weaken or discolor fingernails which, like your hair are composed of protein. Base protects your hair and scalp from being over processed. One small hand towel for your face, one large towel to drape over your shoulders during relaxer application, and one towel to drape during the rinsing stage, and one towel to dry hair, an extra clean towels just in case. It is important to protect clothing in case the chemicals splash. Use a hair dresser’s cape or towel wrapped around shoulders. Then gather your process supplies which include comb, applicator brush, and hair relaxer. Finally gather neutralizing shampoo and conditioner and plastic clips. Now that you have all your supplies let’s begin the relaxer process. Divide your hair into four sections parting hair from ear to ear and then right down the middle. This will give you two sections in the front and two in the back. Work with one section of hair at a time. Use your clips to tie back the other sections of hair while concentrating on the section you are working on. Apply protective base cream to the scalp and around the entire hairline. Put on gloves and begin working on the most resistant section of the four you have created, saving edges and nape for last. You should either start an inch or two up from the neck line or an inch or two back form hairline in the sections you are working on. Make half inch parting in the sections you are working on and apply the relaxer to the curly new growth. Take care not to overlap the crème onto the previously relaxed areas, and keep the relaxer away from your scalp. When you complete this section, unpin another and repeat. Your relaxer should be processing your hair at this point and starting to break down your disulfide bonds. It is now your job to do the actual straightening. Work the relaxer in a downward motion, making sure that you are keeping the cuticle layers point downward at all times. Fingers should be smoothing the hair in one downward direction. Keep your eye on the clock. Chemical relaxer timing depends on the texture, porosity and condition of hair in addition to the look you want to achieve. After working the relaxer and letting it process, begin the most important part of service which is rinsing and styling hair. Thoroughly rinse the chemical relaxer