How Adults Should Create Guided Participation Opportunities To Foster Children's Learning
Submitted By stephyjaun
Words: 2256
Pages: 10
Preoperational Stage (Piaget) –Uses language and imagination to guide learning and has 4 characteristics.
1.Centration–Focusing on one aspect and ignoring the rest (I. E. egocentrism).
2.Focus on appearance –A thing is whatever it appears to be.
3.Static reasoning –Assumes the world is unchanging.
4.Irreversibility –Whatever is done cannot be undone
Piaget conducted experiments in conservation to test whether children could figure out that something remained the same even if it changed appearances. preoperational conservation experimentVideo Clip
According to Vygotskyadults should do 4 things to encourage children’s learning:
1.Present challenges
2.Offer assistance
3.Provide instruction
4.Encourage motivation
Vygotskybelieved learning occurred in social contexts.Adults should create guided participation opportunities to foster children’s learning
The Zone of Proximal Development –All the skills an individual can do with some assistance but cannot perform independently.
Preschoolers are experiencing Erikson’s 3rdStage: Initiative vs. Guilt
-Characterized by expressions of positive enthusiasm, effort and self evaluation.
-Developing a sense of self esteem and self concept.
-Children exhibit a sense of pride in their work and growing abilities.
How parents and caregivers respond to their preschoolers exploration and behavior can affect a child’s development of initiative or guilt.
Ecological theory would say argue that it is the systems a child lives within that most affect his or her development. Two big parts of a child’s microsystemduring the play years include:
2.Early Care and Education Settings (Preschool)
The type of early care (parenting) a child receives can either prevent or worsen emotional problems already existing in the child.
Nurturing caregivers can help reactive children learn to self regulate.
Poor caregivingcan cause increased disregulationand more internal and external problem behaviors.
The type of early care (parenting) a child receives can either prevent or worsen emotional problems already existing in the child.
Nurturing caregivers can help reactive children learn to self regulate.
Poor caregivingcan cause increased disregulationand more internal and external problem behaviors.
All forms of punishment could have unknown consequences. Instead the goal should be to teach prosocialbehaviors.Punishment –A penalty that is imposed for a wrongdoing.Physical punishment is used more on children between 2 and 6 then any other age group. Is this still punishment? Yes!Psychological control can still be punishment
Discipline –to teach or guide about socially acceptable behaviors.Caregivers must keep the development of the child in mind when thinking about discipline:
-Developing sense of empathy
-Developing self concept
-Language explosion-Illogical thinking
Induction is a method for helping to teach children prosocialbehavior. It involves taking time to listen and talk with a child about what they did wrong and what they should do in the future.
Quality programs should be:
1.Child centered –Incorporating play as the primary method for teaching.
1.Developmentally Appropriate –Focused on the child’s developmental needs and abilities.
Early childhood care and education can take many forms. Some types of programs are known as being especially good for children.
1.Montessori -Focus is on child directed activity with little involvement from the teacher. Uses specific materials to teach early literacy and math skills.
2.Reggio Emilia Approach –Encourages learning through “emergent curriculum” which means that the teacher creates an environment that encourages children to explore and then provides materials that scaffold their learning, most often through creative projects.
3.Head Start -An intervention program designed to give “at risk” children a head start on education. Focus is on health, social skills and academic skills. Programs also meet parent needs with case management and education.