Houston Community College
As of right now, higher education is more important than ever before. It is also the most challenging to provide than ever before. As time goes on, standards are raised and more employers seek highly trained and educated employees. To be competitive in the workforce you must bring one thing to the table and that is an education. Since higher education plays such an important role in an individual’s acceptance into the workforce, more people feel obligated to pursue one. Due to the rapid acceleration of the information and technology era, it is necessary to change and improve the educational system in order to adapt to the new demands of an evolving society. However, changes are difficult to endure without the proper financial and government support. This is especially true for community colleges like the Houston Community College System, who are struggling to cope with the educational demands of students while carefully balancing their respective financial situation. This recent burst of enrollment is expected to continue to grow. Not all students who pursue higher education get all their education from a four-year college. Since the costs of getting an education are rapidly increasing and the policies of competitive and limited enrollment at universities are used more frequently, it is reasonable to conclude that an increased number of students will turn to Houston Community College or some other community college in the state of Texas. Several specific reasons may account for the rise in public community college enrollment in Texas. Lower costs associated with public community colleges, the open-door nature of community college admission, an increase in demands by businesses and industries for highly
Katie Grantham Government Discussion Ms. Shen January 28, 2015 Solution to Waste in Healthcare Within the healthcare system of the United States, billions of dollars are wasted every year. In order to combat the waste of 750 billion dollars of United States citizen’s money, there must be some sort of reform in the healthcare system. The biggest way to reduce this wastefulness is by making sure all physicians are aware of newer technology that may be more efficient than outdated methods. This…
Jim Haley AP Gov & Politics Period 3 Mr. Harhai Pennsylvania State Legislative Assembly The meeting that I had decided to attend was the Pennsylvania State Legislative Assembly. This particular meeting’s major debate dealt with what was to be done with a portion of Pennsylvania’s taxpayer’s money. During this meeting two solutions were discussed to come up with what should be ultimately done with the taxpayers money. The two possible solutions being discussed were whether the state should fix broken…
1. Plea bargaining saves on time and money. However, it suggest that there is little fairness for the victim.. Personally, I agree with plea bargaining, because criminals are still held accountable. 2. The Patriot Act was approved after 9/11. It gave government more power. When there seems to be a threat, societal rights seem more important more individual rights. Under the circumstances of crime, governments and courts are more likely to give preferences to individual rights over the rights of…
Chapter Seven Political Participation and Voting: Expressing the Popular Will Chapter Outline I. Voter Participation A. Factors in Voter Turnout: The United States in Comparative Perspective 1. Registration Requirements 2. Frequency of Elections 3. Party Differences B. Why Some Americans Vote and Others Do Not 1. Civic Attitudes…
Home | Issues | Perspective | Audio | Guests | Images | Live Chat | Links | Search | About | Contact Shadow Government Several years ago when I received the following article - or I should say its forerunner - I tossed it off as anti-Semitic and slanderous. Over the past ten years material sent to me by networkers and listeners were filed (because I'm a pack rat) after little more than a glance, which file eventually became three; and a couple of books which have multiplied times…
Elizabeth Bryson Setzer 6 Principles Essay In the constitution, John locks ideas such as the six principles of government are used throughout the document. Three of these principles are popular sovereignty, checks and balances, and separation of powers. These principles are affiliated with processes of election, impeachment and succession of the president. When we look at the election process we can see the principle of popular sovereignty. First, the parties choose who they want to represent…
1) Legitimacy is the political authority conferred by law or by a state or national convention. Legitimacy has increased through the Constitutional Convention because the succeeding administrations of George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson were preoccupied with disputes over the kinds of decisions that were legitimate for the federal government to make. This convention was called to revise the Articles of Confederation which were weak. Four months later a whole new constitution was…
John Levine April 13, 2015 Mr. Bobo AP Gov & Pol Gitlow v. New York (1925) During the era of the Red Scare a whole mess of communists, socialists, and other suspected anarchists were convicted under the Espionage Act of 1917 and Sedition Act of 1918. In 1919, a socialist from New York named Benjamin Gitlow was charged with criminal anarchy. He published a socialist manifesto which he contented represented a simple expression of history paired with his analysis. The trial proceeded and he…
Gary Man Charged With Murder in Slaying of 13-year-old Boy D. Harper KILL Seconds ( words) Prosecutors have charged a 30-year-old Gary man, Khangi Farley, with murder after he allegedly shot his 13-year-old neighbor, Kobe Jones, who is suspected of burglarizing his home. Farley was held without bond at the Lake County Jail following the slaying of Jones. A police detective says a witness told him Farley was agitated after discovering that his home had been broken into. The witness also says…
03.02 Public Policy:Unemployment Unemployment has been a major problem throughout the history of the United States especially during the “Great Depression”. This is a problem because there our many people out there looking for jobs but either don’t have the requirements or not enough jobs for people. In the world there are about 197,000,000 or 197 million people looking for jobs, that is about 6% of the population without jobs in 2012 according to International Labour Organization and as of Florida…