Name: long hoang_____________ Period: __7____ Essay: House on Mango Street
Narrative Components
4 Exceptional
3 Effective
2 Adequate
1 Unsatisfactory Attention Grabber
Begins with an engaging hook strategy that is clearly related to the topic and effectively captures the reader's interest.
Begins with a hook strategy that is related to the topic and attempts to capture the reader's interest.
Contains a hook strategy that fails to relate to the topic and/or fails to engage the reader.
Does not attempt a hook strategy.
Thesis Statement
Introduction paragraph ends with a strong thesis statement (of approximately 25 words) that includes title, author and main assertion.
Introduction paragraph ends with a thesis statement that includes title, author and attempts to state main assertion.
Introduction paragraph contains a thesis statement that does not contain all the necessary elements (title, author and main assertion).
Attempts a thesis statement; however, it fails to meet necessary requirements.
Topic Sentences
Strong topic sentences present throughout that effectively state the main assertion of each body paragraph.
Topic sentences present that state the main assertion of each paragraph.
Topic sentences present, but fail to effectively state the main assertion of each paragraph.
Topic sentences absent or ineffective.
Concrete Details/Evidence
Clearly supports main ideas and assertions through direct, accurate and detailed references to the text using correct MLA citations.
Supports most main ideas and assertions through accurate references to the text using MLA citations.
Attempts to support main ideas with references to the text; however, references are not detailed and/or accurate.
Fails to support main assertions with references to the text. MLA citations absent and/or incorrect.
Demonstrates a comprehensive grasp of the significant ideas in the literary work through focused, detailed analysis.
Demonstrates a strong grasp of the significant ideas in the literary work through focused analysis.
Demonstrates adequate understanding of basic ideas in the literary work through analysis. Some plot summary present.
Fails to adequately demonstrate an understanding. Very little analysis present. Large section of plot summary.
Conclusion effectively restates the main assertions and provides closure for the reader by connecting the topic to larger societal issues.
Conclusion restates the main assertions, but fails to effectively provide clear connection to larger societal issues.
Conclusion restates some of the main assertions discussed in the body paragraphs, but fails to provide closure.
Conclusion is underdeveloped and fails to restate the main assertions and/or provide closure.
Mechanical Elements
Grammar & Spelling (Conventions)
Reflects strong editing and contains little to no errors in mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.).
Reflects some editing, but still contains some mechanical errors mechanics.
Contains several mechanical errors, which distract from meaning. Further editing needed.
Does not reflect editing and contains a large number of mechanical errors, which interfere with meaning.
Sentence Structure (Sentence Fluency)
Contains complete, coherent, and varied sentence structure marked by syntactic variety.
Contains complete and coherent sentences with some variety of sentence structure and syntactic variety.
Contains coherent sentence structure with minimal sentence variety; adequate use of syntax.
Contains incomplete and incoherent sentences; limited control of syntax.
Word Choice
Demonstrates variety of word choice. Elevated diction used throughout; strong command of language/vocabulary.
Demonstrates some variety of word choice. Grade level diction used; adequate command of language.
Demonstrates little variety of word choice. Lower level vocabulary used with some repetition; limited command of language.
Writer failed to