Honey Dressing Case Study

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Pages: 6

Culture sterility in honey dressing group Pre dressing Post dressing
Sterile 3 25
Unsterile 24 2
Total 27 27

TABLE NO 2: Analysis of outcome of honey and saline dressing
Outcome Normal saline Honey dressing Total
Discharge 13 6 19
Split skin graft 4 17 21
Amputation 6 4 10
Total 23 27 50
• (chi square=10.77,p value=0.004)
TABLE NO 3: Comparison of duration of hospital stay
Durn of hosp stay(in days) Normal saline group Honey dressing group Total
7 to 13 0 1 1
14 to 21 2 3 5
22 to 28 5 16 21
29 to 35 9 6 15
36 to 50 7 1 8
Total 23 27 50

Table 4: Distribution of different grades of ulcer in study population
Grade of ulcer Saline dressing Honey dressing Total
Grade 1 1 2 3
Grade 2 10 11 21
Grade 3 10 8 18
Grade 4 2 6 8
Total 23 27 50

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Another observation was that only 1 among the honey dressing group stayed for more than 35 days; whereas 7 among the normal saline group stayed in hospital for more than 35 days. This difference in both groups was studied using chi square test and was found to be statistically significant with a p value of 0.018. (Chi square value=11.8)
Distribution of different grades of ulcer in study population
In saline dressing group, Only 1 out of the total 23 belonged to grade 1 ulcer, 10 patients grade 2, another 10 patients grade 3 and 2 among them had grade 4 ulcer. In honey dressing group 2 out of the total 27 patients had a grade 1 ulcer;11 patients were grade 2;8 patients had grade 3 ulcer and 6 patients grade 4.Majority of the patients belonged to grade 2 and 3 ulcer in both study groups. This difference in distribution of grades of ulcer in both groups were proven to be statistically insignificant with a p value >0.05. (Chi square=2.29, p value=0.512).
This confirms that better outcome in honey dressing like less mean duration of hospital stay and possibility of early grafting is not affected by the grade of ulcer. Thus superiority of honey dressing over conventional saline dressing is proved irrespective of grade of
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This difference in distribution of number of diabetic patients were proved not significant with p value>0.05.
Honey has been proven to have significant antibacterial properties and is a useful constituent in wound and burn care2. It contains diastase, invertase and glucose oxidase. The antibacterial properties arise from the presence of glucose oxidase which converts glucose to gluconolactone, which in turn yields gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide3. Numerous laboratory studies and clinical trials have shown that honey is an effective broad-spectrum antibacterial agent that has no known adverse effects on wound tissues4. Efem(1988)5, Dunford and Hanano (2004)6,Khan Fasal7 are among a few who have done trials with honey and all have reported the positive benefits of honey in pain reduction, odour control and general patient satisfaction. Honey was also proven to be superior to silver sufadiazine in burns dressing by