Predictions TSH levels in patients with primary hypothyroidism are high Thyroxine (T4) levels in patients with primary hypothyroidism are low TSH levels in patients with secondary hypothyroidism are low Thyroxine (T4) levels in patients with secondary hypothyroidism are low TSH levels in patients with hyperthyroidism are low Thyroxine (T4) levels in patients with hyperthyroidism are high Materials and Methods 1. Name the Dependent Variable. blood levels of TSH and thyroxine and accumulation of radioactive iodine in thyroid 2. Name the Independent Variable. thyroid…show more content… The subject who was diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism was given levothyroxine (synthetic Thyroxine). After 2 months of treatment, her TSH values decreased by 96.38% and her Thyroxine levels increased by 879.4%. Explain why her TSH levels decreased and Thyroxine increased. TSH is used to stimulate the Thyroid but if the Thyroid is not able to produce enough T4 the pituitary gland produces more TSH. The Thyroid being the source of the problem is still not able to produce more T4. With giving Levothyroxine the T4 level increases because the body gets enough T4 thusTRH level decreases because because the body notices the right amount of T4. 2. The subject who was diagnosed with secondary hypothyroidism was given levothyroxine (synthetic Thyroxine). After 6 weeks of treatment, her TSH values did not change and her Thyroxine levels increased by 778.62%. Explain the why TSH did not change and why Thyroxine increased. The hypothalamus doesn't produce enough TRH to stimulate the pituitary gland thus can not produce enough TSH to stimulate the thyroid where not enough T4 is produced. With giving levothyroxine you treat the symptoms and the body notices the amount of T4 but the hypothalamus still won't produce enough TRH. 3. The subject who was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism was given