Essay on Homeless Population

Words: 982
Pages: 4

Homeless Populations


1. In your text on pages 206-207, the author discusses his research on the homeless population. He refers to the many routes one can take to become homeless. Choose two populations from his list that you might work with in your career as a human services professional. Describe two possible interventions or tasks that you might be involved with in working with each population. What are some of the general skills a human services professional might need to work with these population?

Our text illustrates that there are various populations within the homeless community. These people are homeless for different reasons, whether its voluntary or involuntarily. Runaways and Victims of

I will also help them with job search and advocate on their behalf to get them to be a productive citizens the legal way.

Victims of environmental catastrophe may be faced with depression. I will encourage them to join a support group where they will have emotional help and know they are not alone. I will also help the find financial assistance to help them with their basic needs until they are able to find employment.

3. For each of the populations chosen, research at least one agency/organization in your own county that might work with this population. How effective do you think the agencies are in assisting the populations you chose to discuss? What are some of the important components of an agency that works daily with the homeless population?

National Runaway Safeline (NRS) mission is to help keep America’s runaway, homeless and at-risk youth safe and off the streets. I think its affective because some call this hotline for advice whether they are homeless or a loved one is. Some simply wish to talk and need an attentive listener. They can also obtain referrals to legal resources in their community and employment programs. NRS is linked up with Greyhound Lines Inc., and they administers the Home Free program, which has reunited more than 13,000 runaway youth with their families with free bus tickets.

American Red Cross is