Mussolini's Fascist Party Change In Italy After The First World War

Submitted By oniboy2015
Words: 1311
Pages: 6

Task 1
Source A is an official written document which is a secondary source which comes from a book. The source gives a brief but detailed account of what was happening in Italy in a political sense in the years following The First World War.
This source was created at Oxford University in 2001 by Nicholas Doumanis for use by the general public. It was created in order to provide a comprehensive and concise evaluation of the social back drop and the political mood of the Italian nation in the years leading up to Mussolini’s fascist party seizing power in Italy.
This source outlines the political climate which existed in Italy in terms of the Italian peoples feeling of being wrongly treated at the Treaty of Versailles and their unhappiness at Italy’s experience of The First World War. In general, allied to this feeling was what many Italians seen as the lefts unpatriotic attitude and the liberal’s failure to keep the domestic front in order. This culminated in Mussolini’s right wing fascist rhetoric gaining favour with many Italians who were frustrated with their predicament. With many Italians viewing Mussolini and what his right wing nationalist fascists stood for as being the only solution to their countries mounting problems.
This source is very relevant and worthwhile as it gives a reliable and non- biased over view of what was happening in Italy post World War 1 and it outlines the political forces that where in play in the lead up to Mussolini’s fascist parties rise into power.
Source B is an official speech, it is a primary source which comes from a speech from Mussolini to the Italian Parliament. The source gives Mussolini’s views of the problems that are in existence in Italy at this time and he outlines his solution to these problems in his speech.
This source was created in Italy from Mussolini’s first address as prime minister to the Italian parliament in November 1922. It was created in order for Mussolini to outline his vision for governing Italy to the Italian parliament.
This source outlines Mussolini’s views of the problems that have been in existence in Italy up to his taking power as prime minister in 1922. With Mussolini stating that it is not the programmes that are currently in place that are responsible for the issues that Italy is experiencing but it is the men and their lack of willingness to apply the programmes that is the problem. More importantly Mussolini states his will of intent by alluding to the fact that it is his vision, that it will be the government that will represent the firm and decisive will to ensure the programmes are implemented.
This source is relevant to a certain degree due to the fact that it represents the views of the main protagonist in Italy at this time. However it is biased in its nature because it represents the views of the ruling fascist party’s leader Mussolini. However that said it does give a true insight into the thinking of Mussolini and such it is worthwhile for any evaluation made of Mussolini.

Task 2
Whilst the role of Mussolini’s charisma can never be under estimated in fascism coming to power in Italy in 1922, there are a number of other factors that played just as equal or perhaps an even more significant part.
Historically in the years leading up to WW1 Italy had sided with Germany, Austria and Hungary in the form of the triple alliance. Italy however did not join in siding with these nations when WW1 began in August 1914. Instead Italy chose to wait and see how the war went before joining the side of the triple entente- Britain, France and Russia on April 26th 1915, with the signing of the Secret Treaty of London. Italy’s WW1 involvement proved to be disastrous with 600,000 of Italy’s troops dead and 250,000 being crippled for life .This resulted in what many Italians viewed as the ultimate insult with her much maligned reward at the Versailles Settlement in 1919 (About Education 2014). Italy had signed up with the promise of large sections of