Leo Vargas World themes 11/14/13 The Curse of the Industrial Revolution Would you like working 18 hours a day, 7 days a week? How about in 80 degree weather doing dangerous hand-on work? Would you like your own kids working next to you in these conditions? You would probably be tired and hungry and still get paid 1 cent per day. This was how the working class in the 18th century lived, in horrible conditions, starving, exhausted from work, and even their own children had to live though these…
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INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Triggered an enormous leap in industrial production. Coal and stream replaced wind and water as new sources of energy and power to drive laborsaving machines. These machines called for new ways of organizing human labor as factories replaced workshops and workrooms. During the IR, Europe shifted from an agriculture based economy to an economy based on manufacturing by machine and automated factories. It fundamentally changed the world. People moved from the countryside to the…
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impacting your health. This is the way people's lives were during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution impacted many people, many children as well. But aside from all the hardships the workers faced, the Industrial Revolution was a gradual process by which machines replaced hand tools. This helped many companies and other types of businesses but it did not help the people who actually made them. The Industrial Revolution impacted workers and increased and supported the use of child labor…
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The Industrial Revolution The very first textile machines were developed in 1733, which was around the time the Industrial Revolution started. These newly created machines had a major impact on the economy and the quality of life for many people in Brittan at the time. The Industrial Revolution has made the world a better place. The machines that were created, made clothes cheaper to make and sell, provided people with jobs and also made the workplace a safer, more desirable place to work.…
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'The Industrial Revolution' refers to a period of massive economic, technological, social and cultural change which affected humans to such an extent that it's often compared to the change from hunter-gathering to farming. At its simplest, a mainly agrarian world economy based on manual labor was transformed into one of industry and manufacturing by machines. The precise dates are a subject for debate and vary by historian, but the 1760/80s to the 1830/40s are most common, with the developments beginning…
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factories and did not have leisure time to be painting and writing such works of art. In the early 1800’s, the Industrial lead to drastic cultural change. Due to these drastic cultural changes, romanticism, realism, and impressionism/post-impressionism were developed as result from the industrial revolution. Romanticism was the first style to emerge as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Nature, beauty, emotion and nationalism were some of the numerous themes that writers, artists and musicians…
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What was the most important revolution: The industrial revolution is the most important revolution to occur in the history of the modern world. It is arguably one of the biggest factors that evolved the old world into the modern word we live in today. The Industrial Revolution created innovations that helped society expand and grow at a rate never before seen. The most significant of these innovations were the Working conditions in some early British textile factories were unfavorable relative…
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The textile, manufacturing, and agricultural industry, along with the new forms of transportation drastically transformed Great Britain. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, Great Britain was a farm based society meaning people resided in small, rural communities and their daily lives revolved around farming. Change began when people discovered that making textiles by hand was much more time consuming and much less profitable than manufacturing such things with the use of machines. Because of this…
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The Industrial Revolution, which was an increase in production brought about by the use of machines, had a beneficial impact only on a small minority of the people of Great Britain, for the majority it was unfavourable. For the larger part of Great Britain the Industrial Revolution brought about appalling living conditions along with horrendous working conditions. The bourgeoisie greatly profited from the Industrial Revolution due to the significant technological developments that occurred. Through…
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Industrial Revolution Almost everywhere we look and trod upon, there are traces of technology. The Industrial Revolution brought forth some of the most important inventions in world history, and much what came out of the Industrial Revolution affects us to this day. The Industrial Revolution is a period in which countless inventions and ideas bust out from the intellect of men in the 1800s. Unlike other European countries, Britain had political and economic stability in addition to all the factors…
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