In the Hills like White Elephants by Hemingway Review, the couple faces a difficult situation, how do deal with an unplanned pregnancy. To further complicate the issue it’s pretty clear that one partner wants to settle down and have a baby, while the other partner doesn’t.
“You’ve got to realize, he said, that I don’t want you to do it if you don’t want to. I’m perfectly willing to go through with it if it means anything to you”. The American man is pressuring her into doing the abortion; he tells her it’s perfectly simple. It is not that simple, he obviously does not want the baby, and he just wants a “fine time”. “I said the mountains looked like white elephants”. Turns out the hills are a metaphor for pregnancy, which is a little more important than previous travel experience. The man complicates the already complicated situation by saying that an abortion is not an operation, and jig seems to think differently. I think the couple is going to have the abortion, even if she does not want to. The girl is in her early twenties, she is so young not knowing how hard raising a baby is. The relationship between the couple is that they struggle, in public, to communicate their opposing views on the course their relationship should take. They both want different things; the man seems to feel that there are only two options available to them, marriage or abortion. He does not appear to want any part of marriage and