What is an HMM?
State-space Representation
HMM Parameters
Generative View of HMM
Determining HMM Parameters Using EM
Forward-Backward or α−β algorithm
HMM Implementation Issues:
Length of Sequence
Predictive Distribution
Sum-Product Algorithm
Scaling Factors
Viterbi Algorithm
Machine Learning: CSE 574
1. What is an HMM?
Ubiquitous tool for modeling time series data
Used in
Almost all speech recognition systems
Computational molecular biology
Group amino acid sequences into proteins
Handwritten word recognition
It is a tool for representing probability distributions over sequences of observations
HMM gets its name from two defining properties:
Example: z are phoneme sequences x are acoustic observations
Observation xt at time t was generated by some process whose state zt is hidden from the observer
Assumes that state at zt is dependent only on state zt-1 and independent of all prior states (First order)
Machine Learning: CSE 574
Graphical Model of HMM
• Has the graphical model shown below and latent variables are discrete
• Joint distribution has the form:
⎤ N
⎡ N p ( x1 ,..x N , z1 ,..z n ) = p ( z1 ) ⎢∏ p ( z n | z n −1 )⎥∏ p (xn | z n )
⎦ n =1
⎣ n=2
Machine Learning: CSE 574
HMM Viewed as Mixture
A single time slice corresponds to a mixture distribution with component densities p(x|z)
Each state of discrete variable z represents a different component
An extension of mixture model
Choice of mixture component depends on choice of mixture component for previous distribution
Latent variables are multinomial variables zn
That describe component responsible for generating xn
Can use one-of-K coding scheme
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2. State-Space Representation
• Probability distribution of zn
State k 1 2 . K of zn znk 0 1 . 0
depends on state of previous latent variable zn-1 through probability distribution p(zn|zn-1)
One-of K coding
of zn-1
• Since latent variables are Kdimensional binary vectors
• Not a graphical model since nodes are not separate variables but states of a single variable 6
• Here K=3
Conditional Probabilities
Transition probabilities Ajk represent state-to-state probabilities for each variable
Conditional probabilities are variable-to-variable probabilities •
can be written in terms of transition probabilities as
p (z n | z n −1 , A) = ∏∏ A
k =1 j =1
Note that exponent zn-1,j zn,k is a product that evaluates to 0 or 1
Hence the overall product will evaluate to a single Ajk for each setting of values of zn and zn-1
z n−1, j z n ,k jk E.g., zn-1=2 and zn=3 will result in only zn-1,2=1 and zn,3=1. Thus p(zn=3|zn-1=2)=A23 A is a global HMM parameter
Machine Learning: CSE 574
Initial Variable Probabilities
• Initial latent node z1 is a special case without
parent node
Represented by vector of probabilities π with elements πk=p(z1k=1) so that
p ( z1 | π ) = ∏ π
z1,k k where Σ kπ k = 1
k =1
• Note that π is an HMM parameter
• representing probabilities of each state for
first variable
Machine Learning: CSE 574
Lattice or Trellis Diagram
• State transition diagram unfolded over time