Every freshman at Wheelock college is required to work 3 hours of a field placement each week. The field placement is a part of our human growth and development course. So far I have worked with my focus child and the rest of the children two times, so I must complete 8 more weeks to get full credit. This is a brief summary of the field placement I work and the individual focus child from the center.
My particular placement is titled “Government Center Child Care corp.” and is located on 10 Causeway street in Boston. It is placed in an urban envirmonemnt, only a few hundred yards from the TD Garden, home of the Celtics and Bruins. The specific building is called the Thomas O.Neill Federal building. Since it is al federal building, everyone must get their bags checked to ensure there are no weapons or illegal items. The security is up tight and it surprised me the first week I arrived. The center is a corporate child center and is also center based. There are a total of 17 children at the center including 10 boys and 7 girls. The childern’s day consists of eating breakfast, lunch and snack, playing with toys, reading several different books, napping and playing outside. The cost to send a child to this institution is $120 dollars. Each child gets picked up by their parents or legal guardians every day at around 5:30 although they are very late most of the time. My particular hours are every Friday 2:30-5:30.
The particular focus child that I chose to study is named Mason. He is an asian boy from the Boston Area. His family is from North Korea. Mason is 5 years old and the oldes child at the center. Mason’s birthday is March 9, 2007 making him 5 years and 6 months old (5:6). He is 3’5 feet tall and 60 pounds. The observations I noticed were that he showed much attitude when another child took the toy he was playing with or whatever he was holding in his hand. Mason’s attitude comes from being angry at the other children because they