1. In 2012, nearly 3/4 of students (72%) have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school, and more than 1/3 (37%) have done so by 8th grade.
2. According to a study by Columbia University, underage drinkers account for 11.4% of all of the alcohol consumed in the U.S.
3. The average age teen boys first try alcohol is age 11, for teen girls it’s 13.
4. Nearly 10 million young people, ages 12 to 20, reported that they've consumed alcohol in the past 30 days.
5. Teens who start drinking before age 15 years are 5 times more likely to develop alcohol dependence or abuse later in life than those who begin drinking at or after the legal age of 21.
6. In 2010, there were approximately 189,000 emergency rooms visits by teens under age 21 for injuries and other conditions linked to alcohol.
7. Teens who drink heavily are three times more likely to try and hurt themselves (self-harm, attempt suicide etc.) than those who don't.
8. 9 out of 10 American teens report that drinking is not worth the consequences it can cause.
9. The 3 leading causes of death for 15 to 24-year-olds are automobile crashes, homicides and suicides – alcohol is a leading factor in all 3.jgdfffffffffff1. In 2012, nearly 3/4 of students (72%) have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school, and more than 1/3 (37%) have done so by 8th grade.
2. According to a study by Columbia University, underage drinkers account for 11.4% of all of the alcohol consumed in the U.S.
3. The average age teen boys first try alcohol is age 11, for teen girls it’s 13.
4. Nearly 10 million young people, ages 12 to 20, reported that they've consumed alcohol in the past 30 days.
5. Teens who start drinking before age 15 years are 5 times more likely to develop alcohol dependence or abuse later in life than those who begin drinking at or after the legal age of 21.
6. In 2010, there were approximately 189,000 emergency rooms visits by teens under age 21 for injuries and other conditions linked to alcohol.
7. Teens who drink heavily are three times more likely to try and hurt themselves (self-harm, attempt suicide etc.) than those who don't.
8. 9 out of 10 American teens report that drinking is not worth the consequences it can cause.
9. The 3 leading causes of death for 15 to 24-year-olds are automobile crashes, homicides and suicides – alcohol is a leading factor in all 3.1. In 2012, nearly 3/4 of students (72%) have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school, and more than 1/3 (37%) have done so by 8th grade.
2. According to a study by Columbia University, underage drinkers account for 11.4% of all of the alcohol consumed in the U.S.
3. The average age teen boys first try alcohol is age 11, for teen girls it’s 13.
4. Nearly 10 million young people, ages 12 to 20, reported that they've consumed alcohol in the past 30 days.
5. Teens who start drinking before age 15 years are 5 times more likely to develop alcohol dependence or abuse later in life than those who begin drinking at or after the legal age of 21.
6. In 2010, there were approximately 189,000 emergency rooms visits by teens under age 21 for injuries and other conditions linked to alcohol.
7. Teens who drink heavily are three times more likely to try and hurt themselves (self-harm, attempt suicide etc.) than those who don't.
8. 9 out of 10 American teens report that drinking is not worth the consequences it can cause.
9. The 3 leading causes of death for 15 to 24-year-olds are automobile crashes, homicides and suicides – alcohol is a leading factor in all 3.1. In 2012, nearly 3/4 of students (72%) have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school, and more than 1/3 (37%) have done so by 8th grade.
2. According to a study by Columbia University, underage drinkers account for 11.4% of all of the alcohol consumed in the U.S.
3. The average age teen boys
Related Documents: Causes And Consequences Of Alcohol
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