Essay on Health and Social Care

Words: 972
Pages: 4

TASK ONE- A written piece of work
Task 1 requires you to submit a written piece of work covering all learning outcomes (LO1s, LO2s & LO3s) with a reflective account embedded in the context of work.

Your submission of not more than 3000 words should include:

Outcomes and assessment requirements Outcomes Assessment requirements
On successful completion of this unit a learner will: To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the ability to:
Understand how health and safety legislation is implemented in the health and social care workplace 1.1 Review systems, policies and procedures for communicating information on health and social care workplace in accordance with legislative requirements. 1.2 Assess the

Use an appropriate structure for the monitoring process 1.2 Assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for the management of health and safety in relation to organisational structure M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings using a range of methods of presentation.
Use an appropriate structure for the monitoring process D3 Demonstrate convergent, lateral and creative thinking when evaluating your responsibilities within the organisation for communicating information on health, safety and security for service users

1.3 Analyse health and safety priorities appropriate for a specific health and social care workplace 2.1 Analyse how information from risk assessment informs care planning for individuals and organisational decision