As we grow up we never check the food we eat meaning, how many calories it has, if it has vitamins or not. When we eat the only thing we think about is to not feel hungry anymore, but when thinking too much about not being hungry we forget to think about what if the food we eat is not good for us. Well in this project I had to write down the food I ate and the physical activity I did for two days a weekday and a weekend, and in my report I’ll bet able to notice how many calories I eat and how many I burn and also I’ll be able to check if I eat healthy or not. In my report of day 1 and Day 2 in food groups and calories I only did well in two groups the grains and fruit, the rest was not so good. Apparently I need to eat more vegetables, proteins, dairy and some oils. To improve these areas I need to eat more chicken, meat dried beans and nuts (for proteins), (for vegetables) raw or cooked vegetables, and (for dairy) more milk and cheese. If I eat these things I’ll be good in every area/groups of nutrition. In the report of nutrients I did had the same results both days. In day 1 & day 2 I did ok in parts of the nutrient areas, minerals, and vitamins I had a well status in each group that kind the means I don’t have to work that much on any of the groups, but still eating what I do and more will help me to be better in each area so I can be healthier. At the end of this project I’ve notice that there are many areas that need some improve like the area of the
Safe Food Policy White Paper (2004,P.2), its full name is ‘Kentucky Fried Chicken ‘which was invented in the United States, pioneered by Colonel Harland Sanders. Now, KFC has grown to become one of the largest fast food brand, and set up their own quick service systems all over the world , with currently more than a billion "finger lick in' good". Kentucky Fried Chicken served more than 100 countries and territories annually. As shown by the KFC Safe food Policy White Paper (2004,P.5), there were…
Ashley Lanetti Prof. Resente ENG 101 ONLN 7 December 3, 2014 Health and Pregnancy In recent years, the cost of fruits and vegetables has continued to rise, making healthy foods less affordable. During pregnancy, it is important to keep good nutrition. With the rising costs, low-income households have a more difficult time than wealthy households in prioritizing and buying healthy foods. To improve the basic quality of life of all people, it is necessary for the government to put programs in place…
From: Secretary of Health, GuatemalaTo: Minister of Finance, GuatemalaIntroductionUndernutrition is a serious condition that imposes many health challenges for the vulnerable populations of Guatemala. Guatemala has the third highest rate of chronic malnutrition in the world with 54% of its population exhibiting signs of stunting1. The most prominent risk factors of undernutrition are micronutrient deficiencies of iron, and vitamin A2. The most highly affected populations are children under five…
University of Phoenix Material Nutrition and Health Worksheet Use Ch. 1 of Contemporary Nutrition, Ch. 2 of Visualizing Nutrition, supplemental course materials, the University Library, the Internet, or other resources to answer the following questions. Your response to each question should be 75 to 100 words. |What is nutrition? Why is nutrition essential to our daily lives? | |Nutrition is the necessary supplements provide…
out worldwide through 2013, with the text being translated into 18 different languages. As a company that has provided nutrition information for more than 30 years to its customers, the new packaging is designed to communicate brand stories in an engaging and modern way. A blend of text, illustrations and a QR code will deliver interesting facts about the brand and make nutrition information easily accessible from mobile devices. "Our new packaging is designed to engage with customers in relevant…
Professor Carol Miller NU117/NUR1172 Section 09 Nutritional Principles in Nursing - 2015 Spring Quarter. Malnutrition - Nutritional Illness in 3rd World Countries Abstract: Energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, continues to be a major health burden in developing countries. It is globally the most important risk factor for illness and death, with hundreds of millions of pregnant women and young children particularly affected (Krawinkel, 2003). In these communities, a high prevalence of…
Research Proposal Paper Malery DuPont, Rayshon Jones, Tiffany LeMasters, and Tracy Wilborn BSHS/435 June 8, 2015 Mary Evitt Abstract The Women, Infant and Children program also known as WIC was designed by the government to improve the nutritional wellbeing of low income mothers and their children. The federal government has reached this goal according to the studies conducted and the statistics researched. The statistics researched compares participant’s verses nonparticipants. The study that was…
person or family who qualifies per completing the required intake process. In recent years, food pantries have seen a dramatic rise in numbers of people seeking their assistance. This paper will discuss the economic issues; the special needs; the process and benefits of food pantries. After discussing stated issues, this paper will discuss why the help of food pantries will be beneficial to a population who desperately needs the services food pantries provide in order to survive. Economic issues…
FCWR 302 - Health Communication NYIT December 17, 2013 Grant Proposal Food and Fitness to Prevent Obesity Objective Prevent obesity on children through fitness and nutrition. Specific Aims Health eating: reducing the sugar sweetened beverages and high fat food in childhood Stay activity: Encourage parents to put more emphasis on physical activity to their children during out of school time…
their health in that 1 per cent in 10 per cent of the adults and more than 1per cent in 10 per cent of children aged 2 to 10 are now classed as obese. The increasing number of obesity in the UK has increased the risk of type 2 diabetes, some cancers and heart disease for the past years because of people not knowing how to maintain a healthy-balanced diet. A healthy balanced diet is balanced diet that provides us with all the different nutrients we need and in the right amounts. As in this paper the…