Let’s start snacking smart! According to CDC, in the past thirty years, childhood obesity has increased more than doubled.
Evidence also shows that children do not have enough sleep, which is linked to obesity
Schools do not provide sufficient physical activities or healthier food for
The intake of food has grown greater than caloric burn.
Kids now are more at risk for prediabetes or Type II diabetes, bone, joint, social and psychological, including self-esteem.
Birch, L. (2011, June 23). Healthy Eating, Activity, and Sleep
Needed to Curb Childhood Obesity, Report Says . The
College of Health and Human Development. Retrieved
from http://www.hhdev.psu.edu/news/2011/6-2311_ChildhoodObesity.html CDC - Obesity - Facts - Adolescent and School Health. (2013,
February 19). Centers for Disease Control and
from http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/obesity/facts.htm Childhood Obesity Facts. (n.d.). Kids Fitness VideosGetSweaty.com. Retrieved June 20, 2013, from http://www.getsweaty.com/ForParents/ChildhoodObesit yFacts/tabid/160/Default.aspx
Small choices come a long way. Possibilities are endless!
What can be done???
Eat Right
Be a Designer!
Nutritious eating does not have to be boring.
Sometimes having cookies, candy, ice-cream everyday sounds tempting and almost forbidden.
However, being creative with healthy food can attract the kid’s curiosity
Examples of Creative Food design:
Be a Superstar!
Fruit Pizza
Animal-Shaped PB and Banana
Creative balanced lunch boxes.
Work on being creative with your children, as you
Every child looks up to their parents, whether like they to continue to learn with them, they will continue to admit it