Haze: Fraternities and Sororities and White Health Advocate Essay
Submitted By Brysen12
Words: 1562
Pages: 7
Something that has been going on for years and years has gone from bad to worse, hazing. What most would say is just a part or pledging can become brutal and life threatening. Though some only go through small amounts of hazing and do not suffer any effects in the long run, others do. Sadly, hazing in sororities and fraternities is not an uncommon thing. No matter how many rules are made, or how many presentations are given hazing still exists. Just because it isn’t happening to you doesn’t mean it’s not happening to others. There are hundreds if not thousands, of people in this world dealing with this every single day of their lives. Pledges everywhere are being severely beaten, terribly made fun of, and are forced to take part in embarrassing activities. These activities are not only embarrassing but they are mentally and physically painful and can have an enormous effect on a person’s life. What is hazing exactly? Is there a true definition of the word? “Hazing is any action taken or situation created intentionally that causes embarrassment, harassment or ridicule risks emotional and or physical harm to members of an organization or team whether new or not regardless of the person’s willingness to participate.” (Hunter White Health Advocate) Another definition of hazing is “subjection to harassment or ridicule.” (Dictionary.com) There is no one dead set definition to the word due to the many different types of hazing, but each one has something in common. They all say something about embarrassing or harassing another person with or without their consent. Meaning that people are unwillingly going through hazing enforced by people who are above them in the work place, sports, schooling, sororities, and fraternities. The most common place that people hear about hazing is either when pledging for a sorority or a fraternity or in sports from the older members. What is the reason for all of this? Why should these innocent pledges go through so much just to be a part of the group? Pledges are being beaten, tormented, and killed, just to feel like they fit in. People are beaten with wooden paddles, forced to endure mental bashing, forced to swallow raw cow’s liver pieces dipped in oil, and so much more. Although when a pledge is killed it is merely accidental, it is something that cannot be taken back or changed because someone went a little too far and got carried away. But according to some people there is a real purpose to hazing and can actually be beneficial and teaches a life lesson. “It teaches the pledges togetherness, communication, respect, courage, and a huge sense of accomplishment.” (qtd. In Shaw, par. 2) In the eyes of pledges in college they don’t seem to find the process of being hazed a bad thing but more as an accomplishment of making it through and proving themselves to the rest of the people. But others find the hazing to be bad and want a stop to be put to it. The hazing can be life changing and a person may never be the same again after going through the pledging. Although an individual goes through the process of being hazed it does not guarantee them a spot in the fraternity or sorority, possibly making the torment all for nothing.
According to the Hunter White Health Advocate, hazing can be divided into three sub categories. These sub categories are as follows: subtle hazing, harassment hazing, and violent hazing. “Subtle hazing typically involves activities or attitudes that breach reasonable standards of mutual respect and place new members/rookies on the receiving end of ridicule, embarrassment, and/or humiliation tactics.” (Hunter White Health Advocate). Some examples of subtle hazing are things that happen in every day society such as name calling. “Harassment hazing can be defined as behaviors that cause emotional anguish or physical discomfort in order to feel like part of the group.” (Hunter White Health Advocate) Some examples of harassment hazing are ones such as verbal abuse,