Joan Kim
Mr. Limon
AP Language and Composition
9 September 2013
Writing With a Purpose Outline
I. Introduction A. Most good writing takes a lot of writing. Ease of composition is rare B. Writing is opportunity i. enables expression of oneself, exploration and explanation of ideas, communication – one gains power and confidence through writing ii. learn from yourself and from others C. Ernest Hemingway's tips on early writing (1920s) i. Develop writing habits that work for you and trust in them a) every new piece of writing presents new sets of challenges – do not lose faith in your writing skills ii. Understand the stages of the writing process – recognize the obstacles and strategize accordingly. Identify and solve problems iii. Rely on three basic elements – subject, audience, and purpose – to guide you a) do not depend on inspiration or good luck. Good writing stems from effective decision making – focus on these elements
II. The Writer's Environment and Habits A. most writing habits emerge unconsciously and conform according to other personal habits – also reflect your preference for flexibility B. Some believe that effective writing requires a familiar environment, reassuring noises, and modern equipment – sometimes writing habits become rituals C. Writing is both a solitary and social act – find the environment and habits that work best for you
III. The Stages of the Writing Process A. Planning – systematic process of the development of ideas and structure series of strategies designed to find and formulate information in writing. Always consider all forms of ideas – brainstorm
Drafting – series of strategies designed to organize and develop a sustained piece of writing. Cluster and organize information from planning select one subject, organize your information into meaningful clusters, and find the links that connect those clusters
Revising – series of strategies designed to reexamine and reevaluate the choices that have created a piece of writing decide whether to start on global revision (re-reate the world of your writing) or start on local revision (perfect the smaller elements in your writing)
The stages of the writing process do not have to proceed in a linear sequence – you may have to repeat stages new challenges in every context of writing. Make adjustments in the way you typically uncover, assess, and assert information may seem disorderly – confusions only occur when not enough is known about the writing project
Making Decisions in the Writing Process
Constant decision making required – purpose is to communicate a subject an audience for a purpose
Use basic elements as prompters to help you think about what you want to write and how you want to write about it
Also as touchstones to help assess what you set out to accomplish
Or as guidelines – ways to control your decisions throughout the writing process
Selecting Your Subject assignments only tells you an area where a subject can be found pick a subject you know or you can learn about – develop it based on your own perspective, more freedom to explore your own observations & ideas pick a subject you can restrict – allows control of investigation, illustrations, unified focus – narrow down general categories must still be manageable – have the ability to expand a good length
Does your subject raise important issues or appeal to your readers? Do not bore your readers. Be able to capture one's curiosity
What do I know about my subject? What is the focus of my subject? What is significant about my subject? What is interesting about it? Is it manageable?
Analyzing Your Audience
By analyzing the knowledge, assumptions, and expectations of their readers, they develop a clearer perception of their subject and purpose – remember you are writing for more than one person
Think like a reader - clarify your ideas to yourself.
Careful of the tendency to deceive yourself – find a second audience