Hat Tsk 1 Essay

Submitted By toddoneal
Words: 946
Pages: 4

Community Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective community therapeutic regimen management. When we look at Guthrie as a community it has more than one defining characteristic for this diagnosis according to Moyet. Guthrie has difficulty in meeting health needs in the communities, and has an acceleration of illness. The unavailability of community programs is present. There may be assistance, but it may be 15 or 20 minutes away, and when you are in a town like Guthrie, that makes all of the difference. Child abuse is everywhere around this town. 11 were arrested in one plot in December. According to Oklahoma DHS there were a total of 1,484 cases for the year for logan county as of February 2011. These are the related factors for our diagnosis. There is an unavailability of community programs for multiple different resources such as prevention of diseases, dental care, smoking cessation, child abuse, accident prevention, abuse, etc. Guthrie is experiencing poor management of its health problems, all of them. The population is underserved. Guthrie experiences $104,235,308.00 in healthcare costs on average per year. $37 million dollars per year are spent on heart disease in Logan county according to the Vital Statistics for Health care and Information Systems. The per capita income is $18,935. This is a retirement community with an aging population with almost one quarter of its population being older than 35. Disaster planning in the city is evident in relation to the city being in tornado alley. The number of natural disasters in Logan county which is 32 is a lot greater than the US averaged which is 12. There were 267,804 cases of food stamps opened as of February in the county. 23.9% of logan county is obese, compared to 23.2% of all Oklahomans. The education is not available or it is being presented in the wrong ways. Adults diabetes rate is 10.7% compared to 10.3% for all of Oklahoman’s. According to City Data the population in July 2009 was 11,502 which was an increase of 15.9% in the population since 2000. Overall if I were a stranger giving you a brief description of Guthrie it would be: Guthrie is a small town, mostly retiring to older population. It is a town that is hard to generate the economy due to the city not wanting to let anything too big get in due to the historical nature of the town. Going back over all of the assessments performed that would be the description. If you look at the genogram provided this community is is need of assistance. It is not tragic, but is headed in that direction. The community needs education and guidance on several issues. Ways to change past patterns of thinking, and they are not going to do it without help. There are several health indicators such as the number of DHS cases for food stamps, and by the fact that 79% of women were unmarried at the time they had birth last year. Almost 10% has income less than 50% of the poverty level. This is an aging community that needs the direction. The attitudes that are present among this community are this is a place to retire. Speaking to so many people that is what their main goal is to retire there. This is a small community, mean age of 37. There are many retiree’s in this community. Many elderly. The attitudes towards aging that affect the health is that the people that I know from this town have the attitude of this is rural, but if I have to get a specialist I will. The next time an emergency comes up they are back int he county hospital rather one that is better equipped. It seems to be by the statistics provided by Wikipedia that the age of twenty five