“All but the simplest aircraft have movable parts in the wings and tail. These movable parts are the ailerons, the elevators and the rudder. Together they are known as control surfaces”
Howthingsfly.si.edu,. (n.d.). Roll, Pitch, and Yaw | How Things Fly. Retrieved 15 June 2014, from http://howthingsfly.si.edu/flight-dynamics/roll-pitch-and-yaw
TRANSPORT & MACHINERY :: AIR TRANSPORT :: MOVEMENTS OF AN AIRPLANE image - Visual Dictionary Online. (n.d.). Retrieved 12 June 2014 from http://visual.merriam-webster.com/transport-machinery/air-transport/movements-an-airplane.php
Copeland, P. (2000).Engineering studies(1st ed.). Allawah, N.S.W.: Anno Domini 2000.
Movements of Aircrafts
By: Fei Yang Chen
Control Surfaces
Rolling: Rotation around the front-to-back axis
Pitching: Rotation around the side-to-side axis
Yawing: Rotation around the vertical axis
Identification of the control surfaces
Ailerons: outboard trailing edge sections of the wing used to control roll
Elevators: trailing edge sections, used to generate additional lift during low speed manoeuvring and landing
Rudder: trailing edge section on the fin
An explanation of how the control surfaces are manipulated to induce the movement of rolling, pitching and yawing
The Ailerons Control Roll
Ailerons are located on the outer rear edge of each wing. The two ailerons move in opposite directions (up and down) to