Essay on Hammurabi: Mesopotamia and Conical Shaped Pillar

Submitted By ansbacher
Words: 323
Pages: 2

I, Pillar of Justice A freestanding pillar of black, polished basalt, called Stele, became the ultimate message board of ancient Mesopotamia and the legacy of Babylon’s King Hammurapi (Holt 22-24), also called “The King of Righteousness” (23).
Historical Summary Mesopotamia represents the start of civilization. The Stone Age was replaced with the Bronze Age, with its cities, trade, occupations, and laws. Along with civilization came more people, more conflict, unrest, and more inequality. Hammurapi became the king of Babylon in 1792 BC. For 42 years he ruled using diplomacy and war to extend his power and influence. His great gifts extended from mathematics, to astronomy, and engineering. While leading his armies into victory he also cultivated the arts and sciences. Toward the end of his reign Hammurapi published a set of laws inscribed on a 2.25m (7’) conical shaped pillar. 3800 lines of cuneiform, one of the earliest forms of writing, covered the pillar front to back, not only honoring his achievements, but also publishing a set of laws to govern and protect all of his subjects. This Pillar of Justice stood in the courtyard of Hammurapi’s temple for all to see for 600 years and Babylon was considered the most renowned city of civilization for 1000 years. The Elamite conqueror, Shutruk-Nahunte removed the Stele during his reign 1185 to 1155 BC, as a token of war, and it was lost for 3000 years, until it was rediscovered broken into 2 pieces in 1901/1902. It has