Essay on Half-life and Embed Equation .3

Submitted By LeBrown1
Words: 587
Pages: 3

For DOUBLING problems you are given the amount of time it will take for a given quantity to double in size. The formula for use with doubling problems is EMBED Equation.3 f(t) ( final amount at time t a ( starting amount d ( doubling time The population of a rabbit colony is expected to double every 9 months. If there are currently 47 rabbits in the colony, how many will there be after a) 18 months b) 2 years c) 4 months For HALF-LIFE problems you are given the amount of time it will take for a given quantity to decay to half of its original size. The formula for use with half-life problems is EMBED Equation.3 f(t) ( final amount at time t a ( starting amount h ( half-life time The half-life of a certain bacteria, once it has been exposed to open air, is 1 hour. If you start with a culture containing 2000 bacteria, how many will be left after a) 3 hours b) 75 minutes c) 1 day HALF-LIFE EMBED Equation.3 DOUBLING EMBED Equation.3 Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5760 years. A sample of tissue from a creature that lived during the last ice age would have contained 120 mg of carbon-14 in a living creature. How much Carbon-14 would be in the sample if the creature had been dead for 15000 years How much Carbon-14 would be in the sample if the creature had been dead for 50000 years A yeast population doubles in number every 15 minutes. If you start with 150 yeast cells, how many would you have after 2 hours If you start with 100 yeast cells, how many would you have after 1 day The population of an ant colony can double in 35 days. If the colony starts with 1000 ants How many ants would there be after 50 days How many ants would there be after 1 year How many ants would there be after 1 week There are several chemicals used to help the police establish the time of death in an investigation. If a person had been dead for 30 hours, how much of each of the following chemicals would you expect to find Chemical A has