Guida Diehl was the founder and leader of the Newland Movement, which pre-dated the Nazi Party by at least six years. She came from a nationalist and anti-Semitic family, and only joined the Nazi Party in August 1930. Following the advice of Adolf Stocker, who hated Jews and supported the emancipation of unmarried women, she attended social-work school and later worked as a teacher of social work in Frankfurt. Diehl constantly preached a spiritualist, quasi-Christian, and nationalist message, that went against the postwar values of Americanism, materialism, and mammonism, which threatened to overpower Volk, God, and fatherland.
Diehl wholly supported National Socialist goals, the Nazi’s anti-communism and anti-Semitism, The document also states that the new type of German woman must be “a fighter; strong, of set purpose and powerful, yet at the same time motherly, arm, loving and serving”, as “womanly worth and dignity, womanly honor and pride, are of the utmost importance for the future of the nation”. This statement implies that the new German woman should not only be feminine, but also possess masculine qualities, as she “combine(s) the features of the old [pagan] Germanic woman with those of the Christian German woman.” By doing so, only then would the German man be able to “look up again to the German maid”, and to “admire in her this dignity, this pride, this safeguarding of her honor and her heroic fighting spirit along with her native, cheerful simplicity”.
There is also a brief mention of Hitler’s reproduction policy, whereby “a woman’s honor rests on the province specifically entrusted to her, for which she is responsible, the province where new life is to grow: love, marriage, family, motherhood”. It is also an affirmation of Hitler’s policy of encouraging women to adopt the more traditional role of being a wife and mother. If the German woman refuses to accept this responsibility, she is being dishonorable, and would therefore be incompetent with regards to building a Germany for the future generation, and its “struggle for freedom”.