MS600 Course Project Grocery store Project Regis-University
ABSTRACT The Project “Grocery store” deals with the automation of supermarket. This software will help salespersons in managing the various types of Records pertaining to his/her customer. The product will help the user to work in highly effective and efficient environment. The salespersons have been recording the customer information in the past…show more content… EMPLOYEES: This entity type represents all the people that work for the grocery chain. It is a superclass because both managers and salaried people are in this entity type. It related to the STORE entity with the WORKS FOR relationship. It has a recursive relationship with SUPERVISING as employees manage themselves. Stores are managed by employees via the MANAGER relationship. Employees can have dependents through the DEPENDENTS OF relationship.
CHECKOUT: This entity type represents an atomic transaction of a customer purchasing items in the store. It relates to STORE via the CHECKOUT LOCATION relationship. It relates to CUSTOMERS via the BUY ITEMS relationship. It relates to the employee who performed the checkout with the EMPLOYEE ITEMS: This entity type represents the individual store items someone would purchase like milk, cheese, meat, etc. ITEMS is related to CHECKOUT as described above.
STORE: This entity type represents the actual brick and mortar buildings where food is placed and customers go to and buy. It has two relationships with EMPLOYEES. One is WORKS FOR and that relationship describes which EMPLOYEES are at which STORE. The second relationship is MANAGES FOR. This connects which manager supervises which store. The Store_ID primary key is useful as foreign key in multiple tables.
ITEMS: This entity type represents how many and what type of items are in a checkout. It relates to CHECKOUT via the CHECKOUT ACTION relationship. It is