It’s amazing how a small, struggling town like Greensburg can come back better and stronger than they were before a devastating F5 Tornado demolished the entire community. The people of this community are renewed and resilient determined to make Greensburg Green Town better and more prosperous than ever. They want to be the best in the nation, and example for everyone on building an entire community from the ground up greener, stronger and most sustainable ever. As Steve Hewitt phrased it “this is the best job in America to have, to build from the ground up.” This town, the people have enthusiasm, optimism and a positive attitude all of which make for a great, rewarding and thriving end result.
The next few weeks for Greensburg Green Town are big! On October 29th and 30th there is a Sustainable Disaster Recovery Conference what they are co-hosting with St. Louis University’s Center for Sustainability and Green Town Joplin. They will be going over many topics which include “Incentivizing Sustainable Recovery, An Artist’s View of His Hometown, Teaching Through the Lens of Sustainability, and many more.” They are promoting sustainable disaster recovery in the future. It is not surprising to see that some of the keynote speakers, moderators, are: Daniel Wallach, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Greensburg Greentown and Green Town Joplin; Catherine Hart, Co-Founder, Greensburg Green Town and General Manager, Green Town Joplin; Tony Smith, CPA, CIT, Senior Manager and Director of Construction Services for Muller Prost PC; Jack Fishman, Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, St. Louis University; Jay Liebenguth, Chief Strategist at Fresh Media Lab, just to name a few. There will be an in-depth view of how all the forces/players came together to make sustainable recovery and how to promote sustainable disaster recovery in the future. Green Town has another event coming up in three weeks, Indiegogo campaign for the Meadowlark Eco-Home which is now completed. The town expressed their appreciation for all the public support they received for this project. “While Indiegogo is not the only avenue we are pursuing to try to finish this innovative home, it is currently the only way for the general public to specifically support this project through Green Town.” They are asking for donations which will go towards completing the home. It is the first home in America to be built using a wood-block system by HIB and one of the few buildings in America to use “Passive Design” which will be open to the public when completed.
Greensburg Green Town has given a special thanks to a