Greek: Marketing and Case Study Components Essay

Submitted By Here-Iam
Words: 4266
Pages: 18

Johns Hopkins University
Marketing Strategy
Spring 2010 Syllabus
COURSE TITLE: Marketing Strategy—660.350
LOCATION: 216 Hodson
MEETING TIME: Tues./Thurs. 10:30-11:45 a.m.
PROFESSOR: Leslie L. Kendrick Office: 104 Whitehead Office Phone: 410-516-4586 email:
OFFICE HOURS: Mon. /Wed., 2-3 p.m.
REQUIRED TEXT: Cravens & Piercy, Strategic Marketing (ISBN: 978-0-07-338-100-8), 9th edition, 2009, McGraw-Hill. Online text available for purchase at: Readings Packet--to be provided to students by Professor.
PREREQUISITE: Principles of Marketing (660.250).
1. To provide students with hands-on experience formulating, implementing and controlling a strategic marketing program for a given product-market entry through case analysis.
2. To expose students to a broad range of cases involving business and consumer product firms, for profits and non-profit organizations and domestic and foreign companies.
3. To develop an understanding of how the marketing mix can be integrated to achieve marketplace success.
4. To identify appropriate marketing strategies for new, growth, mature and declining markets.
5. To enhance communication, critical thinking and team-building skills and to apply these skills in a real-world, hands-on case project.
These course objectives will be pursued through the use of class and group discussion, case studies, videotapes, in-class exercises, a guest speaker and a group project with written and oral presentation components.
1. Prior to every class, each student is expected to read the assigned chapter(s), articles and case studies. Students should come to class prepared to share their thoughts and views on the material.
2. If you must miss a class, it is your responsibility to get the notes from lecture, videos, cases, speakers, etc. from another student and/or have a student tape record the lecture.
3. All assignments must be typed and submitted at the beginning of class on the due date. Late work will not be accepted since cases will be analyzed in class. Assignments turned in late will receive a zero. If a student knows they will not be in class on a day a quiz will be taken or an assignment is due, it is the responsibility of the student to call the instructor prior to class and arrange to email or fax the homework to the instructor prior to class or by a mutually agreed upon time. For extreme illness and other emergency situations, students are required to obtain documentation from their College's Advising Office or a physician for submission to the Professor.
4. All assignments must be typed using double spacing and 11- or 12-point type. Points will be deducted for submissions that are handwritten. Multiple paged assignments must be paginated and stapled. Please do not use paperclips.
5. All assignments should be spell-checked and grammar checked prior to submission. Points will be deducted for spelling and grammar errors.
6. No make-up quizzes or assignments will be given. If students arrive late to class and miss a portion of the quiz, they will have to do the best they can in the time remaining.
7. Honor Code & Plagiarism: Students of the Johns Hopkins community are expected to conduct themselves honestly on all academic assignments. The students of this college have a collective and individual responsibility for the ethical welfare of themselves and their peers. Students who submit materials that are the products of their own mind demonstrate respect for themselves and the community in which they study.
Each student has the responsibility to document the following in individual and group papers:
a) Quotations (the exact words/data from another person)
b) Paraphrase (the rewording of another person's ideas/data)
c) Combination of quotation and paraphrase
This applies to all sources of information, including company brochures, phone or in-person interviews and Internet information. All outside