Oration of Pericles was a speech told by Pericles, a leader of the Athenian democracy. He spoke out to thousands of civilians and soldiers deceased and alive to build nationalism and pride for Athens. He wanted them to believe in what they were fighting and highlight all strong characteristics of Athens and its culture. Thucydides, an important Greek writer from 5th century B.C, played a vital role in enabling Pericles’ words to be recorded to this very day. He was the author and transcribed the war between Athens and Sparta also known as Peloponnesian War. This speech was a formal speech by Pericles delivered through public ceremonies the winter after the beginning of the Peloponnesian War to praise Athenian soldiers killed in the first campaign. Pericles obviously held much compassion and nationalism for his country and through his speech word from word tributes were made to the soldiers and Athens. Pericles, taking this speech as an opportunity, he used it to praise the deceased and Athens. Not only that, he spoke of many ideals and values that made Athens unique its own particular way. He believed that “The energy from their previous ancestors” is what helped them won their previous wars. Athens’ form of government doesn’t look for battle for other countries nor does copy other forms of governments. He believed that Athens stood as an example to other nations and acknowledges that Athens as a democracy that takes the rule of many. But through that method, there is an equal justice and a civilian, regardless poverty or high status, was recognized for public service through “reward of merit” and not just through privilege. He says how there is “no exclusiveness” in Athens and how describes how no one is weary of each other. Civilians of Athens, according Pericles, were unconstrained in their private matters and had high respect for authorities. They obeyed the laws and agreed for the protection of the injured as well as those unwritten laws that enemy or one who caused these actions reprobation will be taken upon them.
Athens held games and daily sacrifices throughout the year and civilians keep their homes crisp and nice, Pericles brings these aspects out to demonstrate the easygoing nature of Athens. He goes to on to boast on about military training of Athens and how it is superior to the enemy. Athens exposes itself to the world and supposedly never kicks out foreigners. Athens is an honest land that doesn’t reply on trickery to win its battles, but honest combat. Education at Athens made young civilians brave enough to go through difficult exercises and the lifestyle is easygoing so future generations are ready to fight their foes and relax at the same token. He goes on to talk how
Portfolio Book: A History of Western Philosophy (Book one: Ancient Philosophy) Part I. The Pre-Socratics Chapter I. The Rise of Greek Civilization IN all history, nothing is so surprising or so difficult to account for as the sudden rise of civilization in Greece. …What they achieved in art and literature is familiar to everybody, but what they did in the purely intellectual realm is even more exceptional. They invented mathematics and science and philosophy; they first wrote history as opposed to…
Ancient Greek History Why should one study the Ancient Greeks? There exist almost countless contributions that Greek culture has made to western society in the areas of art, literature, philosophy, drama, architecture and politics. Lasting visions of thought and inspiring intellect helped shaped today's western culture with notions of democracy and personal freedoms. Greek scientists made revolutionary discoveries in medicine, mathematics, physics, and astronomy. It was the Greeks who, through…
Alyssia M. April 22, 2013 p.197 #1-7FYK 1-7AYK Alyssia M. April 22, 2013 p.197 #1-7FYK 1-7AYK Chapter 6 Understanding the Past Focus Your Knowledge 1. Crete is one of the largest Greek islands, around 200km in length. This island attracts so many people because of its beautiful environment, including tall mountain ranges, tropical climates, and a generally pleasant and peaceful atmosphere. To the early settlers, Crete was the perfect land for vegetation,…
for what Persia has done to the land of Greece and the Eastern world. Greek Victory | Like the Trojan War, the Persian Wars were a defining moment in Greek history. The Athenians, who would dominate Greece culturally and politically through the fifth century BC and through part of the fourth, regarded the wars against Persia as their greatest and most characteristic moment. What are some of the major factors in the Greek victory over the Persian Empire? Alexander the Great had several generals…
Powerless of Women Introduction Greco-Roman mythology is rich in names, characters, and events. Dozens of gods, goddesses, and mortal women and men participate in a variety of activities that reflect or exemplify behaviors and power relations in Greek and Roman societies. A wealth of literature was written about the relationships between mortals and immortals in Greco-Roman mythology. Much was written and said about the place humans occupy in the complex mythical hierarchies. However, the role and…
helped lay the foundations for a New Greek world. Their actions and those of their successors spread Greek culture throughout much of the known world and created many lasting social and political changes. In this essay I will argue that Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic world that he created had many enduring impacts on the social, political, and cultural fabric of the Western world. Alexander the Great helped instill a new ideology which identified being Greek less with loyalty to an individual…
Aegis - Zeus and Athena's protective shield; modern group of insurance companies (The Aegis Group). Ajax - Greek warrior in the Trojan War, who "cleaned up" in battle; popular household cleanser. Amazon - Race of warrior women; amazon.com - huge on-line bookstore. Apollo - God of music; Apollo Theater is a famous music hall in New York city. Ares - Greek god of war; popular car model. Argus - Giant watchman with a hundred eyes; Argus Security is a modern security company, specializing…
“rediscovery” of Greek Literature. One major event in history that induced the loss of Greek literature was when the Library of Alexandria was annihilated. Also, instead of Greek, Latin soon became the prime language in Europe and even Christianity. On the other hand, Greek literature was rediscovered thanks to Arab kingdoms. The Renaissance led up to the rediscovery of Greek literature in the west as well. In addition, the wrecking of the Library of Alexandria is the main reason as to why Greek literature was forgotten or even lost completely…
decline/fall of the empires/kingdoms The Greek civilization is one of the greatest and progressive civilizations than the other two civilizations. However, the concept of states and the authority provided to each state could not be maintained. Because of this reason, the once strong and untied Greek Empire fought between each other. The senators of Athens rose against the Warriors of Sparta and the conflict resulted in disability among the many departments of the Greek empire. The Romans conquered Macedonia…
2014 The National Museum of American History During this fall term.I went to the The National Museum of American History. It was a pleasure to having a chance to visit this Historical museum.Inside The National Museum of American History,I saw collects, preserves and displays the heritage of the united states in the areas of social, political, cultural, scientific and military history. Among the items on display are the original Star-Spangled Banner and Archie…