Essay on Gothic Cinderella

Submitted By HannahD0104
Words: 846
Pages: 4

I suppose you've heard the engrossing story about a young princess with a harsh,hateful,heartless stepmother and spiteful stepsisters. Her name was Cinderella.However I bet you have only heard the fairy tale and not what really happened.

Cinderella wasn't an immaculate,coy,surbservient young woman.Cinderella was a deceitful,ferioucus,rebellious little monster hidden in the body of a beautiful young woman.

This is what really happened.

Once upon a time there lived a young manipulating monster known by the name of Cinderella. She lived in a magnificent castle with her father,stepmother and two stepsisters. The castle sat on top of an enouromous isolated hill,they only had themselves for company and sometimes being around each other all the time wasn't an advantage.They often got frustrated with each other.Especially Cinderella.

Cinderella was beautiful.Her skin was an atosnhing tanned colour and always looked flawless. Her hair was a fiery red colour and it floated across her face perfectly,her hair was lengthy but always looked tidy.It was balanced just above her hip bone.Her eyes were a beautiful,clear blue colour.They looked inviting and friendly placed perfectly just above her cute button nose. However looks can be deceiving.

Her two stepsisters were identical twins and we're flawlessly beautiful.However they were unlike Cinderella. They both had long blonde hair which lay just above their stomach and their enchanting eyes were a beautiful brown colour,so beautiful they could be compared to a puppy's innocent eyes.However their beauty also came through in their personality.They were both sweet,mature,innocent girls whom respected everybody,even Cinderella although she didn't deserve their respect.

It was a dark depressing December night and the sound of the wind howling surrounded the castle and created an almost alarming atmosphere. Cinderella's father was out and so the castle contained only the four women. Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters were sat in the lounge playing a game of cards.Cinderella could hear them chatting and laughing from her bedroom at the top of the stairs.She was trying to sleep and they were keeping her awake.Cinderella was getting beyond frustrated and decided that she should do something about it.She rushed down the stairs,her fists were clenched and her face was a furious red shade,almost as bright as the colour of her hair. Her stepmother heard her coming down the down the stairs before she saw he,she was aware of the fact that something terrible was going to happen.Last time Cinderella was annoyed whilst her father wasn't in the castle her stepmother ended up with a broken hand and a constant fear of being home alone with Cinderella.Cinderellas stepsisters has also suffered some serious pain the last time they were left alone with Cinderella.They both had scars around their wrists in which an unspeakable incident had taken place,not to mention their constant fear of Cinderella that they had developed. The sound of Cinderella's footsteps coming down the stairs sent shivers down her stepsister's back.They immediately threw their cards and scattered from the room,however the only way for