Goghrut Case Study

Words: 999
Pages: 4

Goghrut is the animal fat and animal fats are rich source of cholesterol. The cholesterol from goghrit was rapidly hydrolysed in the intestine to free fatty acids and cholesterol by cholesterolesterase in pancrease lipase and intestinal lipase. Cholesterol was absorbed by formation of mixed miscelles containing the unesterified cholesterol, free fatty acids, monoglycerides, phospholipids, and conjugated bile acids. Maximum absorption of cholesterol occurred in the small intestine in the form of chylomicrons. These are then transferred to the liver Some of the cholesterol was used in the production of bile acids, which was liberated in the duodenum for further digestion of food. Some cholesterol was released in to circulation for transport,
Meda dhatu by its quality of snehan and bruhan might have increased triglycerides.
Very Low Density Lipoprotein The triglyceride which reached the liver in the form of chylomicron under go synthesis and Very Low Density Lipoprotein is formed. Triglyceride rich molecule and cholesterol and apolipoprotein are used to form Very Low Density Lipoprotein. This lipid was then released in the circulation. Very Low Density Lipoprotein levels were found to decrease after consumption of goghrit. This might probably because Very Low Density Lipoprotein requires more fatty acids than protein. Goghrit contains short and medium chain fatty acids which are not loaded with fat molecule as long chain fatty acid. Thus production of Very Low Density Lipoprotein is less and ultimate decrease in Very Low Density Lipoprotein levels. Goghrut is considered as the best quality sneha. So, the meda produced is of also good quality. This might have caused decrease in

After catabolism in the liver, Low Density Lipoprotein comes in circulation. It contains more fat molecules and less protein molecules. During circulation when Low Density Lipoprotein evades the endothelium of blood vessels and bound with macrophages, oxidises to accelerate the potential of atherosclerosis. Goghrit contains conjugated linolic acid which has a special antioxidant and anti viral properties which prevent Low Density Lipoprotein from forming free radicals and the plaque. Goghrit is a saturated fatty acid and supposed to increase Low Density Lipoprotein, but it did not. This may be due to saturated fatty acids differ in their ability to change blood LDL cholesterol levels but, short chain and medium chain fatty acids do