God and New Testament Essay

Submitted By kidxrules
Words: 3075
Pages: 13

Bible Doctrine Midterm Study Guide
* Apologetics: Proving a defense of the truthfulness of the Christian faith for the purpose of convincing unbelievers. * Biblical Theology: The larger category that contains both Old Testament theology and New Testament theology. Gives specific attention to the teachings of individual authors and section of scripture and to the place of each teaching in the historical development of scripture. * Christian Ethics: any study that answers the question, “What does God require us to do and what attitudes does he require us to have today?” with regard to any given situation. * Contradiction: “God is three persons and God is not three persons” (trinity) * Doctrine: A doctrine is what the whole Bible teaches us today about some particular topic. * Historical Theology: A historical study of how Christians in different time periods have understood various theological topics. * Major Doctrine: has a significant impact on our thinking about other doctrines or that has a significant impact on how we live the Christian life. * Minor Doctrine: Has very little impact on how we think about other doctrines and very little impact on how we live the Christian life. * New Testament Theology: The study of the teaching of the individual authors and sections of the new testament and of the place of each teaching in the historical development of the New Testament. * Old Testament Theology: The study of the teaching of the individual authors and sections of the Old Testament and of the place of each teaching in the historical development of the old Testament. * Paradox: A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true. (God is three persons and one God.) * Philosophical Theology: Studying theological topics largely without use of the Bible, but using the tools and methods of philosophical reasoning and what can be known about God from observing the universe. * Presupposition: Something that is presupposed that shapes one’s world view. * Systematic Theology: Historical theology, philosophical theology, and apologetics.

Ch. 1 * Absolute Authority: John 14:6-7 : Jesus says he is God which shows the New Testament is claiming authority for itself. * 1Cor 2:13- Words are taught to them by the spirit which is God. * 2 Peter 3:15-16: Peter speaks of both the NT& the OT in the same sentence * He uses the buzz word scriptures Graphe * Authority of scripture: * 2 timothy 3:16- not just old testament, all scripture is God Breathed. * Graphe: Scripture/bible (you can’t prove that it is talking about the new testament. * Faith and Practice: some people who deny the inerrancy of the Bible claim hat the Bible’s purpose is only to tell us about these two subjects. * God-Breathed- 2 timothy 3:16- not just old testament, all scripture is God Breathed. * Inerrant: Scripture is completely inspired by God and therefore contains no errors. The fact that the bible contains no errors. * Self-attesting- The words of Scripture are self-attesting, they cannot be proved to be God’s words by appeal to any higher authority. * Hermeneutics: The study of correct methods of interpretation of scripture. (Greek word “to interpret”) the science of biblical interpretation. * Inspiration:
A special act of the Holy Spirit by which he guided the writers of the books of the scripture so that their words should convey the thought he wished conveyed and should be kept from errors of fact, doctrine, or judgment. * Illumination: The process by which God supernaturally makes us understand things which we naturally don’t understand. * More general than revelation * Bible: The words of God. It’s Necessary for our spiritual life and understanding God’s will. * Etymology: The study of a root word. When we interpret scripture, we must look at the usage rather than the etymology to determine the meaning