Glory Response Essay

Submitted By Tara-Hickman
Words: 445
Pages: 2

Tara Hickman
U.S. History
8 December 2014
Glory Response
1. In the movie Captain Robert Shaw is promoted to Colonel to lead the 54th Massachusetts regiment. He is white officer, as are the other commanding officers that train and instruct the regiment. Robert Shaw is promoted to Colonel to lead the 54th Massachusetts regiment. He is white officer, as are all the other commanding officers that train and instruct the regiment. This is the first you see the hierarchical differences emerge. African American men were thought of as only soldiers, and other officers didn't look for the potential to become commanding officers in any of them. This might have been a subconscious action, but this only showed that it would take a great deal of time before the mindset that African Americans were completely equal to white men would become completely accepted, acknowledged, and practiced in society. From this event you can conclude that that African American men were more equal to white men than before, but not completely equal. 2. They didn't receive the blue uniforms that over Union officers did. It was really any type of food, clothing, or supplies were given out there was a smaller amount or they weren't as good of quality as the ones given to the other troops. When the soldiers were to be paid the officers said they could only pay them $10 instead of the promised $13. While they were being trained Sergeant-Major Mulcahy he uses derogatory names and treats them slightly harsher than necessary. Some thought that Mulcahy was just preparing them for the harsh treatment that they would face when they entered combat. 3. This level of discrimination would be difficult to deal with