Globalization: Third World Essay

Submitted By sandymoon2
Words: 964
Pages: 4

Katarina Guillen
Ms. Sagesse
October 20th 2014
Globalization: An Attempt at Optimizing Life Since the broca area of the brain developed in human ancestors, humans have been crazed with optimizing their life and perfecting it in every way possible. Globalization is the largest example of this by far, since it encompasses and affects the entire world and all of mankind. Through the integration and further development of globalization, the world is becoming more aware of the possibilities and benefits that may come from being a global village and a world that works together. In many instances, people opposing globalization are resistant due to the fact that globalization is change. Change is the greatest inhibitor to advancements in any aspect, especially regarding globalization as it requires a coinciding, understanding and acceptance of different cultures and beliefs. Globalization however is a great benefit to the world as it has been shown to decrease poverty, create awareness for global issues, and create a motivation for the development of green technology. Through the expansion of an intricate global village, the whole world will see benefits. Although outsourcing has been criticized severely due to the cases involving child labour, many people often forget what benefits 3rd world or developing countries can reap from large companies outsourcing to them. The creation of jobs is one of the most obvious benefits, proving to decrease the percentage of poverty in each respective country. Although recently, inspectors and human rights organizations are working to ensure that the condition by which these people work, are indeed up to standard. The jobs that are created in the 3rd world countries are also highlighted by the fact that the people with jobs can afford much more food or goods. This is because the goods and foods imported are usually less expensive than things native to the country. Thus, the poverty rate decreases more, as more people that are employed as well as unemployed can afford things they could not previously. Outsourcing also increases productivity for the developing countries as well as for the first world countries that are the outsourcers. For first world countries the benefits are also cheaper goods along with a higher variety, keeping the consumer population happy. Something known as the “CNN” effect is greatly spreading in popularity and essence due to globalization. Since more and more countries are becoming interdependent and reliant on certain countries for certain things, news that affects one country quickly spreads to another. Through this more awareness is created and passed on quickly much like gossip in a small village. Thus the relation to a global village analogy becomes clear. This is very useful in aiding in missions and charitable endeavors as one country will help another because its prosperity will aid in its own. This mutual understanding that the decrease in productivity in one country will directly influence others in trade and business with it, provides great motivation for aid sent to other countries. Along with this increase in awareness of global issues, and a hopeful stimulation or inspiration to help, there is a greater cross cultural understanding. This is beneficial in targeting products for another culture, but also for the harmonious team effort that exists to sustain life. The CNN effect allows for the world to understand itself as a whole and thereby increase its productivity by using all of the resources necessary. Much like there are certain people trained in a craft or professionals, countries can take on roles in the world and work together as one world instead of 196 separate countries. Lastly, the close quarters, in the sense of a newly found interconnectedness, allow for healthy competition. This