Global Warming and Alternative Energy Sources Research Paper

Words: 2090
Pages: 9

Global Warming and Alternative Energy
People are inflicting major damage to the Earth's environment, and if we don't do anything to stop the destruction soon, the results could be devastating. Most people know about global warming and think it may be a serious problem in the future. What most people don't understand is that global warming is happening now, and we are already feeling some of its destructive power. Because of the dangerous effects of global warming, alternative energy sources need to be aggressively pursued. Finding and utilizing alternative energy sources may be the only way to combat the increase of global warming. "Scientists agree that the main reason for global warming is the depletion of the ozone layer

Unlike fossil fuels, Ethanol, when burned, emits no ozone depleting emissions or harmful gases. It is even cheaper to distill than it is to drill oil. Ethanol is already being sold by some gas stations in the form of E85; an 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline blend. Many carmakers such as Ford, Toyota, and Hyundai are manufacturing cars that are able to run on higher concentrations of Ethanol fuel (McQuinn). The discovery and use of Ethanol has had a positive impact on American agriculture. Ethanol is giving business to the American farmer for fuel needs instead of Middle Eastern oil titans, and keeping American money in the states instead of the most unstable regions in the world. For all of alternative energy's positive attributes, the general public has yet to fully jump onboard. "The only major issue with alternative energy is its high price tag," claims Dennis McQuinn from the Coalition for the Prevention of Global Warming. "Consumers have to pay much more for energy saving light bulbs, energy friendly appliances and other eco-friendly things. It's no wonder that consumers rarely buy these products. They're just too expensive for them, and it's going to take a few years for production costs to go down." A consumer survey taken in 2005 found that 70% of consumers who don't buy ‘eco-friendly' products realize that they are better for the environment, but don't purchase them because of