Glass Menagerie Essay

Words: 1413
Pages: 6

Glass Menagerie
Written Responses

Topic: Discuss how a theme is developed in the play through two characters. Provide 3 pieces of evidence to support the theme as it applies to each character.

“ The Glass Menagerie ”, a memory play by Tennessee Williams, not only depicts the depressing and unhappy lives of the Winfield family at St. Louis around 1930’s, but also highlights the obstacle for Tom to pursuing his dreams under the family obligations; the obstacle for Laura to overcoming shyness and inferiorities to interact with the

Nevertheless, no matter going to movies or having lots of drinks only provides him with a temporary escape. Tom wishes that he could escape from home just like the trick magician performed, getting out of a nailed coffin without destroying anything, “ There is a trick that would come in handy for me – get me out of this 2 by 4 situation!” or wishes he could be like his father who has “been absent going on sixteen years.” One day, Amanda mentions the letter that Tom receives from the Merchant Marines. Tom’s plans of escape are exposed to us: he has paid the dues to join the Union of Merchant Seamen. From now, Tom is ready to leave home at any time. His mother, his job, his family life and his worries for his sister's well being all have become a burden that is too heavy for him to carry. Escape is the only option to save Tom himself and allow him to follow the instinct of a man, “ a lover, a hunter, and a fighter”. After quarreling with Amanda about Jim’s engagement, the infuriated Tom eventually made the escape to the outside world where he will start a new life, “I descended the steps of this fire escape for a last time and followed, from then on, in my father’s footsteps, attempting to find in motion what was lost in space.” Not only escapism can be seen in Tom but also in his sister Laura who is a